Page 15 of Stalking Margery

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Ethan’s phone rang; quickly, he picked it up. Matthias was on his way to drop another stuffed zebra off at Margery’s house.

Every single time she got one of his presents, it was his favorite moment. Every emotion she went through played a melody on his heart. To see how much he was affecting her either in person or through the cameras, but either way, he loved every second of it.

He would have hand delivered the present himself, but he had to brief several people on the fights going on later. They were having some trouble with a rowdy group of customers, and he wanted to get it under control as soon as possible. He didn’t like having things go sideways, but he couldn’t control everything or prevent everything.

“Yes? Did you deliver the package?” Ethan asked.

“Package was delivered. But there was a slight problem,” Matthias replied.

Ethan went on full-alert. He didn’t like the word problem when it came to Margery.

“What problem?”

“Someone tried to rape her.”

His heart stopped for a couple of seconds. Somebody tried to rape her. How had that happened?

“Who? Where is he now? Did he hurt her?” Ethan fired off.

He knew he hadn’t raped her, but that didn’t mean he hadn’t hurt her.

“I believe his name is Diego Longbottom. He should be with the police right now, and he will be getting processed soon. I told her to call the police. Apparently, he’s a known rapist that they have been trying to catch for a while.”

Of course, someone would try that when he wasn’t available. Thankfully Matthias was there to help her, save her.

“Did he hurt her?” he asked once again.

It didn’t get past him that Matthias ’hadn’t answered his last question. Did something bad happen to Margery? Was she on her way to the hospital?

“You better fucking answer my question real soon.”

Ethan grew impatient as he waited for Matthias to answer the question. What was wrong with Margery? If anything had happened to her, he was going to go after the guy who did this and make him suffer. Even if he didn’t harm her, he was still going to go after him. But the deciding factor of how much he was going to torture him depended on how badly he hurt her.

Nobody messed with his girl and got away with it.

Nobody looked at her the wrong way and got away with it.

She didn’t know, but he had hurt several customers who were rude to her and nasty with how they spoke. It wasn’t always physical harm; sometimes, he had Rolo hack into their bank account and drain their money, send a text that ruined their life, posted pictures that they didn’t want out, and so much more.

Ethan didn’t like it when anyone was rude to her. There was no reason to when she had been a saint toward them.

He even threatened men who looked at her weirdly on the street , and told them to never look at another woman that way again, especiallyhiswoman. Ethan had only had a couple of men who were brave and talked back, but once they found out who he was and what he was going to do with them, a lot of them pissed their pants.

“She might have a couple of bruises and scratches, but nothing major. I made sure he had a couple of bruises, but he ’isn’t dead. Figured you wanted the honors,” Matthias finally spoke.

“I’ll have Rolo figure out where he’s being held.”

“You sure you want to do it there? We can figure out a way to get him out.”

“No, I want the other inmates around to know that they don’t mess with my woman. If they do, they’ll spend hours and hours being tortured before they finally get the sweet relief of death. They need to know there are consequences.”

Ethan was going to have so much fun doing it. Anytime he had the opportunity, he took it. To have the control he hadover whether they lived or died. To torture them just enough but keep them alive until he wanted to kill them.

The power.

He craved that feeling.

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