Page 13 of Stalking Margery

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“Okay. Are you coming to work today?” Adalisa asked.

Her eyes went wide. Shit. So much had happened in the past twelve hours that she had completely forgotten about her job.

“Shit. I need to get changed, and I’ll be on my way,” Margery rushed out. “Give me ten minutes.”

“Sounds good. No rush. You can be a little bit late, and you won’t be penalized,” Adalisa replied before she hung up.

Margery placed her phone next to the front door and quickly rushed to her room to get changed. She had completely forgotten that she had to work the rest of the week. It wasn’t just because of the stuffed zebras. It was a culmination of that and the guy attempting to rape her. She was on edge.

If it was that easy for him to just sit on her porch and force himself into her house, anyone else could do it. Should she get a better alarm system? Should she get a gun to protect herself? There were so many questions that Margery didn’t know how to answer. She didn’t have anybody to ask.

The first person she would have asked was Ethan because he knew about this stuff, but he was dead. Couldn’t ask a dead person questions.

Margery quickly grabbed her phone and rushed toward the store. She didn’t care if she looked like crazy running down the street. She had seen several people do it since she started working at the shop.

“You look like shit,” Adalisa commented as she walked through the door.

“Thanks. I had a hard evening and night,” she replied as she put her stuff behind the counter.

“Did you get any sleep at all?”

Margery shook her head. “No, I didn’t. I...”

Was she really going to tell Adalisa what happened yesterday? She didn’t even know if there was a police report since they didn’t take her statement. What if nobody believed her? What if Officer Matthias told them not to take her seriously if she ever called? She was screwed if that happened.

“What’s wrong?” Adalisa asked.

“It was really eventful. And not in a good way. Do you really want to know?” she asked.

She didn’t want to talk about it if Adalisa didn’t care about knowing. Margery should have known she would have wanted to know. She was asking so that if she did or recognized her mood, she wouldn’t want to know the details.

“With you looking like that, I want to know. It has to be something major for you not to have any sleep and look like you are about to run.”

She was right about that. Margery had thought about running away. But what good would that do? She didn’t know anything or how to keep herself hidden. If she moved, her stalker could follow her very easily. He could be watching her right now, and she wouldn’t know it with how exhausted and shaken she was.

“Margery?” Adalisa asked. “Are you sure you’re okay?”

“I’ll be okay,” she replied. She had to be.

“Do you want to tell me about what happened yesterday and last night?”

She knew her friend wasn’t really asking. She wanted to know, and she was going to find out.

“So, I didn’t get ice cream yesterday. The shop was busy. I decided to order it and have it delivered, so I went straight home. As I got closer to my house, I saw someone sitting on my porch. I slowed but continued to get closer because I needed to see who it was. I was a man, he had a gun.”

Margery closed her eyes for a brief second and took a deep breath. She could see the scene replaying in her mind over and over. If she would have turned around once shespotted him, would he have hurt her? Could she have gotten away earlier?

“He told me to get closer, and I had to because of his gun. I didn’t have anything but my knife in my purse, which wasn’t going to do much at a distance. He put the gun against my head and told me to unlock the house; I did. He pushed me to the floor, and said he was going to have fun with me, but somebody saved me.”


Margery shrugged her shoulders. “I don’t know who. I didn’t know him, but he saved me, and then I called the police. Apparently, the guy with the gun was a known rapist they were trying to catch.”

“Well, I’m glad the guy was there. I’m so sorry you had to go through that. Do you need to take some time off and relax at home?” Adalisa gave her a quick hug.

She shook her head. There was no way she wanted to be in her house right now, not when she had the newest stuffed animal in there; not when she didn’t know howhehad gotten into her house.

Was the police officer her stalker? Was that why Officer Matthias said it was a secret admirer? Because he knew who the person was?

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