Page 110 of Stalking Margery

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“You were there?” Ethan asked.

“Not the whole time, but toward the end, I was. Our boy has found somebody he is interested in. The girl is interested in him. Pretty, too. If she doesn’t go for him, I might go for her.” There was a slight teasing tone to Ren’s voice. Ethan knew what he was doing, but Jason wasn’t thinking clearly.

“Don’t fuckingtalk about her like that! She’s a human being! Show her some respect! And you aren’t getting with her! Over my dead body!” Jason roared.

Ethan whistled and shook his head. That was a little more than being interested in someone.

“See, he likes her.” Ren shrugged and laughed.

Ethan chuckled, but Jason was still glaring at Ren.

“Have you put her in a different room?” Ethan asked.

They had this happen before. One of his men had shown interest in a girl who came in through one of their shipments. She felt attached to him, so they put her in another room, a safe room. His man fell in love with the girl.

That was until she killed herself. It was a tragic day. She hadn’t gone to her therapist appointment and so the therapist called him. The guy rushed over and found her hanging from the ceiling. Apparently, she hadn’t been coping well and didn’t think she could do it anymore.

“Not yet. I haven’t asked her if she would like that or not,” Jason replied.

“I know I can’t stop you, and I’m not going to. But just be careful. We don’t know how long she has been trafficked. Just be careful.”

Ethan didn’t want to have to tell his men to be careful about that, but what happened to Bellamy changed things. He had changed. He was now closed off and ruthless.

“I know. You don’t have to preach to me. I was there when Bellamy found her.” Jason waved his hand in the air. “I’m going to check in with her daily because I don’t want that to happen. It’s not going to happen.”

And Ethan hoped it didn’t. He didn’t wish that on anybody.

“Okay, come on. Let’s stop talking about this. We don’t need to get all depressed. So, are we going to go show these men you mean business? To not threaten your girl?” Ren asked.

Ethan closed his computer and stood. “All four of us will go. Should be quick and easy.”

Ethan grabbedthe man’s shirt and pulled him closer.

“You’re fucking stupid. Threaten my girl, and you get me. Did you really not think I wasn’t going to come after you?”

“I didn’t! I promise!” He let go of the man’s shirt, letting him fall to the ground. His head bounced against the hard concrete floor.

“Ooops,”Ethan fake gasped. “I should have warned you I was going to let go.”

Matthias chuckled in the background.

“Please, I promise. I didn’t tell him to say that! You have to believe me,” the man pleaded.

“Doesn’t matter.”

“But it does! I would have never threatened your girl! I just wanted to get my hands on some of the girls you bought.”

“And how did you hear about our shipment of girls?”

The man’s eyes went wide, and he started to scooch back.

“Did I say you could move?” Ethan asked as he stepped on one of his ankles. “Who the fuck told you about our shipment of girls?”

“Just word on the street.”

Ethan knew that was a lie. Anyone who knew about the shipment of girls was in higher ranks in his syndicate. He didn’t just let anyone know that information.

“Who the fuck told you about it?”

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