Page 11 of Stalking Margery

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Honestly, she didn’t know. He hadn’t shot her. Maybe she had some bruises and cuts from when he had pushed her into the house.

“Did he do anything to you?” Officer Parker asked.

“N-no. Just p-pushed me in the h-house,” she stuttered her way through the sentence.

“Good. Can you tell me what happened?”

She took a deep breath, and her eyes darted toward the other officer and the unconscious man.

“It’s Diego,” Officer Johnson said.

“Diego Longbottom?” Officer Parker asked. “The serial rapist?”

“Yes, sir.”

Margery looked at Officer Parker with a confused face. Was she supposed to know who this person was?

Officer Parker turned toward her. “Was he waiting on your porch?”

Her eyes went wide, and she nodded. How did he know?

“Diego is a known rapist who waits near girls’ doors—girls he knows ’live alone—and forces himself into their home and rapes them.”

Margery’s mouth hung open as she processed his words. For him to know she lived alone meant he had to have been watching her for a while. Or, well, maybe not a while, but a couple of days at least.

“He’s been on the run, staying under our radar. Thanks to you, we now have him. He is going to be locked up for a long, long time,” Officer Parker told her.

“Wasn’t me,” she mumbled.

Officer Parker looked at her strangely. “What do you mean it wasn’t you?”

“Some guy saved me. I don’t know who it was, buthe saved me.”

“Where did he go?”

“He left. Didn’t want to be known, I guess.”

Margery didn’t really understand. How could he not want the officers to know? Didn’t most people want to be known as the person who saved somebody?

“Well, I’m glad he was here for you. Are you sure you don’t need to go to the hospital?”

She shook her head. “Nothing’s wrong. Maybe bruises, but that’s it. He didn’t hurt me or do anything.”

“Good. If you need anything, you can call the non-emergency line or you go to the emergency room.”

“Thank you.”

She sat on the ground as they picked the man up and started to leave. She honestly thought they were going to have to do so much more, but they didn’t. She thought they would need her statement or something.

Maybe they had enough witnesses already and didn’t want to drag her into it. She didn’t know, and right now, she didn’t really care. She was having a hard time already focusing and comprehending everything that had happened.

The door closed, and Margery continued to sit there, staring at the wall. She didn’t know what to do. What did a person do after they were almost raped?

Margery looked around the room, and her skin began to crawl. She needed to clean this room right here. He had been in her house. Nothing happened, but just knowing that a man she didn’t know had been in her house made her need to clean everything.

She slowly got up from the ground and turned around,but she quickly stopped. Her eyes went wide as she stared at another stuffed zebra sitting on the coffee table.

Margery screamed. How had that got there? How had the stuffed zebra moved?

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