Page 105 of Stalking Margery

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“I’m sorry!” she yelled. “I wasn’t thinking, and it just came out. I didn’t mean it! I really am sorry!”

“I have given you two warnings. You knew what you were doing.”

She held her breath as she waited for what was coming next. Maybe he wouldn’t blister her bottom and just send her to the corner like last time. That’s what she hoped, at least.

“Stand up,” Daddy commanded.

But she continued to sit, still in shock.


Her eyebrows went up, and she quickly stood, not wanting to get into even more trouble. Why couldn’t she have kept her big mouth shut? Why did she tell Daddy to shut up?

“I was hoping I wouldn’t have to introduce this until later, but I was clearly wrong. This corner is the naughty corner. See, I even added a sign on the wall.”

Daddy wasn’t joking. There was a sign that said, ‘Margery’s Naughty Corner.’

“Come lay yourself over Daddy’s lap.”

She hadn’t even realized he had moved to sit on the chair. Letting out a shaky breath, she slowly made her way over to Daddy.

“Come on, over my lap,” Daddy repeated.

Margery crawled over his lap and took several deep breaths. Worry was churning in her stomach with every passing second.

“I’m really sorry,” she whispered.

“I know you are, but you were naughty. Daddy gave you two warnings, and you continued.”

The guilt was already starting to eat her up inside. It felt like a hard ball in her stomach, weighing her down. He had given her two warnings, and yet she still disobeyed. She hadn’t really been paying attention since she was talking to Jonesy. But she should have known better. That wasn’t a good excuse.

“I’m really sorry, Daddy. I just wasn’t. I don’t know.”

Daddy opened the back of her onesie and started to rub her bottom. A shiver ran through her, but she knew nothing could happen. This was a punishment. There was no pleasure in a punishment.

“I think you were testing the waters. Seeing if I would actually punish you or not. That’s okay. Daddy’s here to show you that you can be naughty, that I will punish you, and all is forgiven after.”

“I don’t want a spanking, though. Maybe we can do corner time instead? I like that idea.”

Burning pain spread across her bottom. Margery screamed out in pain. She was not expecting to get smacked on the bottom for that.

“I’m the Daddy. I’m the one who gives out the punishments and decides what they are. Not you,” Daddy said firmly.

She knew it was wrong of her to do that. She had wanted to try at least.

“Daddy’s going to give you a couple of spanks to warm up your bottom. Then the actual spanking will start.”

Nerves filled her body. This was her first official spanking from him, and she was feeling a lot of emotions.

“At any point if it gets to become too much, you say your safe word. Can you tell me what it is?”

“Red,” she whispered.

“Good girl. If, at any point, you need to use it, use it. I won’t be mad. We will talk about it, and then I’ll find a different punishment if we still have more to do.”

The thought of saying her safe word and possibly getting a different punishment didn’t sit well with her. She knew if that happened, it was going to feel like a whole other punishment.

Did she really want that?

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