Page 1 of Stalking Margery

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Ethan stood outside of her house, watching her eat breakfast. He’d been following her for over a week now, learning her movements, seeing how she was doing. It had been eighteen years since they had seen each other.

Eighteen long years.

Once he had faked his own death, he couldn’t safely watch her for the first several years. And during those years, he got bigger and gained more responsibilities. Anytime he thought about checking on her, something would always come up and stop him from seeing her. Then, he figured she was better off without him.

But now, he was making it a priority. No longer was he going to try to stay away from her. She was too precious to him, and he wasn’t going to wait any longer.


The love of his life was casually sitting in her dining room, eating breakfast like nobody was watching her. Because she didn’t know that someone had their eyes on her. He hadn’t wanted her to see him yet, but that was about to change.

Ethan was amazing at staying in the shadows where no one could see him or know he was there. It was his specialty, on top of being the boss of the Montgomery Syndicate.

He was getting everything prepared. Soon, he would be sending her little gifts while messing with her brain. Something he was looking forward to. The games he was going to be playing on her mind and body—he couldn’t wait.

Through the window, he saw her wash her dish before grabbing her bag and heading out the door. He couldn’t wait to be near the scent of her perfume, the sound of her voice, or the warmth of her body. He couldn’t wait to wake up with her in his arms or for her to call him Daddy.

Ethan couldn’t wait until she was his Little girl, and he could help her, cherish her, discipline her, and love her. He already had her Little room fully furnished and decorated.

Now, all that was needed was her. She was the missing part, and he couldn’t wait for her to live in his home; to be with her like they were meant to be.

Ethan stayed in the shadows as he trailed her on her walk to work. He realized how careless she had gotten. Not looking to see if anyone was following her or to see if any cars were coming when she crossed the street. He was going to get on to her about that once he had her. She needed to know that it wasn’t okay to put her life in danger.

Margery walked into her work, and he stood across the street in the shadows as she interacted with her coworker and friend, Adalisa.

“Soon,” he whispered. “Soon, I’ll have you in my arms.”



“You’ve got a package!” Adalisa yelled as Margery sauntered through the door.

“A package? From who?”

Margery wasn’t expecting a package from anybody. There weren’t many people left in her life who would send her a package. Most of her family had moved to a different state once they graduated from high school. And they no longer had any contact with her.

They didn’t like the person she had been dating in high school, the person she’d planned on marrying.

But he had died and part of her had died too.

Margery remembered that day like it was yesterday; not over seventeen years ago. She still vividly recalled waking up thinking she was going to see him that day, but instead, she got the devastating phone call, telling her that he was dead.

Yes, a phone call.

His sister had called her, sobbing, and she knew that something was wrong. She didn’t know Bonnie well, but shehad talked to her a couple of times, and they had exchanged phone numbers.

Since his funeral, they hadn’t been in contact. Margery had thought about texting her several times, but she knew Bonnie looked just like her brother. But Margery wasn’t ready for that, and she didn’t know if she would ever be ready.

“Margery?” Adalisa called out. “Are you okay?”

She gave her coworker a smile and nodded. Everyone knew about Ethan’s death. It had been one of the most horrific car crashes and had been all over the news, talking about how it happened and if there were any survivors.

There weren’t.

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