Page 90 of The Best of Friends

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Nigel shoved his hands into his front pockets and hung his head. “Dancing with joy.”

“Good. Because I wouldn’t want to have to tell Eric his only daughter has a lying cheat for a husband. I’m sure you wouldn’t want that, either.”

“Whatdoyou want?” Nigel asked, sounding resigned.

“Never see Rebecca again,” David said.

“What if she wants to see me?”

“I suggest you run in the other direction.”

“Fair enough.”

“Good,” Blaine said. “You still in the mood for that drink?”

Nigel blinked. “No, thanks. I’ll go to my room and pack.”

“An excellent idea. Oh, and Nigel? Anything you gave Rebecca is hers. Don’t try to get it back. If you do, I’ll start to wonder where you got it in the first place. That will mean asking a lot of questions.”

Nigel nodded once, then headed back to the hotel. David watched him go. “What did she see in him?”

“You’re asking me?”

“What was I thinking?” David’s pleasure at the moment faded. “On to Jonathan?”

Blaine nodded. “Did I tell you I know a man who used to be in Special Forces? He’s now a bodyguard. He also does extra work on the side. Based on what Jonathan just did, I think we should pay him a little visit first.”

“Apparently Jonathan folded just as quickly as Nigel,” Rebecca said as she passed Jayne a carton of tuna salad. They were having their delayed lunch on Rebecca’s balcony. There was takeout from Whole Foods, a chilled chardonnay, and male eye candy from here to Venice Beach.

“He and Blaine have worked together for years,” Jayne said. “It must have been tough for both of them.”

“David was very impressed. He said Dad totally missed his calling. But it’s weird. When the police went to arrest Jonathan, they couldn’t find him at first. It turns out he was in the hospital. He fell down the stairs at his office and broke his leg. Apparently he was really banged up.” She shrugged. “Oh, but that’s not the best part.” She leaned forward and lowered her voice. “Dad knew about the affair Mom had with Jonathan. He actually mentioned it, saying he knew Elizabeth needed that at the time, but Jonathan’s sleeping with me was going too far. David thought Jonathan was going to have a heart attack right there in his hospital room. And he has police guards. He’s been arrested and everything.”

“Your reputation is restored,” Jayne said.

“It’s pretty damned amazing.” Rebecca grinned. “Who would have thought my brother and father could moonlight as enforcers?”

Jayne tried to picture Blaine with a gun and couldn’t. “You should feel good. They’re taking care of you.” One of the pluses of family, she thought wistfully.

“I feel like a character out of Jane Austen,” Rebecca said, pressing the back of her hand to her forehead. “I’m only a woman. I need a big strong man to take care of me.”

“Yeah, that’s you.”

They laughed.

Rebecca pointed at Jayne’s arm. “Is your cast a different color or am I imagining things?”

“Yes, and it’s smaller. My last one. I get it off in a few days, and then I start physical therapy. I’ll also be going back to work doing light duty.”

“And then you’re leaving. I’m still not happy about that.”

“And the decision is still not about you,” Jayne told her.

“You should be touched that I’ll miss you desperately.”

“The knowledge of your discomfort keeps me up nights.”

Rebecca rolled her eyes, then tossed half a roll across the table. “Sometimes you’re a total brat.”

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