Page 105 of The Best of Friends

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“Ask me yourself, Mother.”

David walked into the living room and paused by the sofa.

Elizabeth felt his anger from several feet away, but she smiled so he wouldn’t know. “David, darling. How nice to see you. Are you here for dinner? You didn’t call, but I’m sure there’s plenty. You know how Carmine loves to cook for twenty.”

“I’m not interested in dinner. I want to talk to you.”

Blaine stood. “Something to drink?” he asked.

“No.” David’s gaze slid back to Elizabeth. “You’re going to back off, Mother. Starting now. You and Rebecca have no part of this.”

She sipped her drink. “Sit down. You’re hysterical.”

“This is my life. Stop screwing with it.”

She stiffened. “Excuse me?”

“You heard me.”

“Blaine, are you listening to this? Your son is being disrespectful.”

Blaine walked to the cabinet by the window and poured himself another drink. “What have you done this time, Elizabeth?”

“Me? Nothing but worry about those I love.” She was doing her best to keep her only son from making a disastrous mistake, but did they appreciate that? Of course not.

“She and Rebecca have been doing their damnedest to break up Jayne and me, and they’ve succeeded.”

Confirmation at last, Elizabeth thought with relief. Excellent.

“Jayne won’t see me. She says it’s over.”

“Then I don’t see the problem,” Elizabeth said. “I know it’s always difficult to lose the girl, but there are so many others out there. Appropriate young women with good families. I have several names and numbers for you.”

“I can get my own girl, Mother. I don’t need your help. What I do need is for you to stay out of my life.”

She rose and faced him. “So you can do what? Marry Jayne Scott? There’s a disaster. I should have known this was going to happen. She’s always been one to sneak around and slip into places she wasn’t wanted. She’s been using us for years, just waiting for an opportunity.”

“Are you actually listening to what you’re saying?” David asked. “Jayne isn’t anything like that, and you know it. She’s been a part of this family for twelve years. In all that time she’s been kind and loyal. She’s been your unquestioning lapdog, and you’ve never appreciated her.”

“Jayne’s a good girl,” Blaine said. “I’ve always liked her.”

“How lovely for you,” Elizabeth said, wishing he would go back to his stupid magazine. “I know the truth. She’s after money and power, and you’re her way to get it. She’s been planning this for years. She’s been living her whole life in anticipation of trapping you.”

“You’re wrong,” David said. “Were you always like this? A blind snob who assumes the worst about everyone?”

Elizabeth drew back. “Don’t speak to me like that.”

“Why not? It’s true. Jayne is special. She’s sweet and funny and unassuming. I like who I am when I’m around her, and I hope she feels the same way about me. I want to hear her opinions on everything. I want to show her the world and take care of her.”

“You’re not in love with her,” she commanded, as if her words could make it so.

“I am. Not that it matters. She’s giving up her life here because of this family. She’s better than all of us, and we’ve been damned lucky to have her in our lives. And now she’s leaving.” He moved closer to Elizabeth. “Back off, Mother. Stay out of Jayne’s life. Do you hear me? That’s what I came to tell you. Stay the hell away from her.”

Elizabeth had seen David in every mood imaginable, but she’d never felt such rage directed at her. She dropped to the sofa, suddenly afraid, although she couldn’t say of what.

Then he was gone, and the room was still.

She felt sick inside. Hot and cold, with her stomach roiling.

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