Page 4 of Shattered Dreams

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“We were six people,” Charlie snaps. “Four in the back.”

“There are only three people in the back.” I hear the words, but nothing makes sense.

“There are four people in the back,” Charlie tells him, frustration in his voice. “Three girls and one guy.”

“Okay,” the man again says calmly. “We’ll go check again.”

“She’s in there,” Charlie declares, and then I hear him roar out in pain.

“Sir, you need to sit down and let us work on your leg,” a woman urges. “Your leg is broken; you won’t be able to stand.”

“I need to go to her!” Charlie screams. “Why aren’t you guys trying to get her out?”

I blink as a white light fills the back seat, so I close my eyes. “There are only three people back here,” a man says softly, “unless she’s under…”

“Fucking front of the cab is on the floor; we can’t even see.” I try to make sense of the bits and pieces of the conversation going on around us. I want to keep my eyes open, but they are so heavy.I just need to close them for a minute, I think to myself, and then I feel like I’m being moved.

“Had to pry her out,” someone relays, and I try to open my eyes but not before I hear Charlie's shrieking.

The agony in his voice runs through my bones. “Where is she?” he yells. “I’m not leaving without her.”

I feel like I’m floating. “Her arm seems to be broken, I think. Her blood pressure is high.”

“She has to be fucking here somewhere!” Charlie screams. “Get me a phone. Someone, please, I need a phone!”

I open my eyes and turn my head for a minute, seeing Charlie sitting beside the upside-down truck. The front of the pickup looks like it’s been crushed. A tree branch lies on top of the bottom of the truck. The four doors are pried open, and one of the tires is not too far from the wreckage. I turn my head to the other side, noticing two other vehicles. A pickup looks like it’s been crashed into on the side, and the other car is missing the front tire and smashed up on one side.

I try to lift my arm, but it feels like it’s stuck to the gurney. My body bumps up and down, and I groan, but it’s swallowed by the sound of two doors being slammed shut, then the banging on the back, and I feel like I’m moving.

My eyes open, and I look around to see I’m in an ambulance, or at least I think I’m in the ambulance. “Hurts.” That’s the only thing that comes out.

“I bet it does,” the woman tells me. “We’re on the way to the hospital.”

“Is everyone okay?” I ask, blinking open my eyes and focusing on the top of the ambulance.

“Um,” the girl says, avoiding my eyes, “I’m not too sure.”

“Waylon,” I say his name, “the driver. Is he on his way to the ambulance?”

“I’m not sure,” she repeats. “All I know is I have you, and we are going to get you to the hospital.”

“It hurts,” I whisper.

“I bet it does,” she comforts. “You probably have a couple of broken ribs.” That’s the last thing I hear before I shut my eyes and take a little nap.

I wake only when my eyelid is lifted, and light is flashed into my eyeball, going from one to the other. I groan and want to push the hand away from my face, but I literally can’t lift my hand. “Stop.” That’s the only thing I say. “My friends?” I ask, looking at them and then wincing at the pain in my side.

“We need to get an MRI and an X-ray,” the doctor orders as he presses my side, and I have no choice but to cry out in pain. “We’ll get you all better,” he assures me, turning and rushing out of the room.

“Where is she?” Brock shouts from somewhere. “Where the fuck is Everleigh?”

I’m about to ask something when my head falls forward, the sounds of rushing all around me. “We have a code…” That is the last thing I hear before I feel like I’m sinking into the blackness.

I feel someone touch my hand as my eyes try to open, but they can’t. The sound of beeping fills the room. “She has five broken ribs. One of them punctured her lung, so we had to go in and stop the bleeding.” I hear hissing. “She has a severe concussion, a broken leg, and her shoulder was dislocated.”That doesn’t sound good.It’s the only thing I can think of as I try to open my eyes. I take a deep inhale, which makes me moan.

“It’s okay, princess,” my dad says as my hand is squeezed. “Rest. You’ll be okay.” I feel his lips on my forehead.

I want to tell him I don’t want to rest. I want to tell him that I’m up, and I’m fine. I want to ask him where I am. I just want to open my eyes, but I’m pulled back into the darkness instead.

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