Page 2 of The Hunter

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“Oh. Yes. Well, that’s good,” she stammers like she can’t believe I actually said yes.

“What time should I pick you up?” I ask, still holding her wrist, lightly running my thumb over her pulse point.

“Seven,” she whispers.

“I’ll see you then.” I release her hand and gulp down the last of my coffee before dropping some money and walking out.



Fuck, fuck, fuck.

I can’t believe I just did that. I can’t believe he said yes.Every morning Deputy Burke Davis comes into the diner where I waitress. I have had a crush on him since he walked in that first day. Dressed in his uniform with his dark blonde hair combed back and wearing his sunglasses. I swear to everything that is holy I have never seen a finer man in my entire damn life.

He is always friendly and if I was a more confident person, I would flirt with him. But I’m not. I have issues with self-confidence. I know what people say behind my back, and how they discuss my weight. But I’ve never felt like I was overweight. Curvy? Sure. But never fat.

Not that anything anyone says is going to change it. I love food. Pasta, bacon, cream, cheese, you know, all the yummy stuff that goes directly to your hips and thighs. I eat it all and I swear I regret nothing. I would rather be considered fat and be happy, than skinny and miserable.

Cooking and eating makes me happy. I wonder if Burke will like my cooking. Maybe I should bake him a cake? You know, the way to a man’s heart is through his stomach and all that.

A customer calling to me draws me out of my thoughts and I hurry to serve them. But in the back of my mind, I can still see his brilliant smile. I can still feel where his hand held my wrist, the imprint burned into my skin. I imagine how his touch would warm the rest of my body if he ran his hands over my naked form, and my arousal spikes.

I need to come back to reality.

Burke is simply being friendly. He probably felt too bad to turn the fat girl down, so he agreed to join me tonight. A man like him could never be interested in someone like me.

With my imagination and libido firmly tamped down, I continue working, pushing away any thoughts of the swoon-worthy deputy. Time flies by and soon enough one of the other waitresses arrives and I can go home. The moment I no longerhave anything to focus on, the panic sets in.

Why the hell did I ask him? Of all people! I must be losing my damn mind.

I don’t have an outfit to wear or anything, and now I have a pity date? What the hell was I thinking? Walking the three blocks home from the diner I breathe deeply, trying to push away all negative thoughts. Instead, I take in the beautiful houses that line the street, with various Halloween decorations lining each.

Children run through the streets, laughing. I spot an astronaut, a couple of princesses, and what looks to be some kind of robot, and it brings a smile to my face. Halloween has always been my favorite. It’s the one day of the year you can be absolutely whatever you want.

A thought crosses my mind, and I can’t help but laugh out loud as I walk a little faster. I know exactly what I am going to wear tonight. It doesn’t matter that Burke is only going with me because he feels sorry for me. He is a nice guy and we’ve had some fun conversations. We can have a great night together.

Chapter Two


I’ve been giddy ever since I left the diner this morning. I haven’t been able to stop smiling and I have been counting down the minutes until I get to pick her up. Sage has no idea that she has made the first move. She has given me the green light to more than obsess over her and finally do something about the urges I have concerning her.

I didn’t have any plans for Halloween, and I don’t think I have dressed up for a party since I was twelve years old, so my options were a little limited. What I do have is a decent set of cowboy boots and a great hat, so I decided to go as a cowboy. Dark blue jeans and a green button-up shirt finish the look. I sling my gun belt around my hips and check my service pistol. I don’t go anywhere without it and tonight won’t be an exception.

I check myself in the mirror, making sure I look my best. Yes, it’s vapid but I want her to crave me as much as I do her. Falling for someone is like eating. The entire experience starts with what you see.

A strange feeling creeps up my spine, somewhere between a tingle and a burn. My head throbs and I grab onto the counter to keep from falling over. It feels like fire burns through my veins before being chased by ice. Hot and cold fighting for dominance. Several minutes pass before the feeling fades and my labored breathing returns to normal.

My skin feels tight like I don’t fit in my own body. Maybe I’m coming down with something?

If this date was with any other woman, I might cancel. But not Sage. Checking my watch, I see that thirty minutes have passed. I need to leave or I am going to be late. I grab my keys and head to my matte black pickup truck. I could take my car but then I wouldn’t have to lift her in and get to touch her.

I drive through town as slowly as I can, allowing children dressed as ghosts and doctors to cross the street while I wait. I’m shaky with anticipation and can’t wait to reach her.

Finally, I stop my truck in the driveway of the two-bedroom house she is renting. It takes everything in me not to stomp across her yard and bang on the door. When I do ring the bell, I wait—impatiently—for her to open up.

What I wasn’t expecting is what she is wearing when she finally does. A white dress with little red cherries printed on it. It’s a halter neck so her ample cleavage is on full display, and the hem hits just above her knee. Her hair is curled and styled, and her lips are painted a rich red I want nothing more than to see wrapped around my cock. She looks like one of those sixties-style pinup models and I almost swallow my tongue.

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