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Eyeing me over her reading glasses, Goldie gave me a look that read, 'Get a move on.'

I found my place. “He kissed her mouth, his tongue tangling with hers, learning each other's taste. He couldn't get enough of her. Her scent filled his mind, making him forget the world around them.”

Goldie put down the pricing machine on the counter. “You've got one hell of a muse.”

I went to the video return box and started stacking the cases. “Jack's not my muse.”

“You say that now, but from what he said the other day, it's good you both found each other since you're both into kinky stuff. I started making a box of toys for you both.”

I counted to ten. “Goldie. I'm not into kink. Jack was just messing with you. With me. We haven't even slept together. I donotneed a box of kinky toys.”

She eyed me skeptically. “I didn't take you for kink.”

I rolled my eyes. “Thanks.” I was afraid to ask what she did take me for. “Oh, by the way, I forgot to tell you the other day. Remember that blow up doll I used for Mike's toy party?”

“The Ricky Dicky doll?” Goldie asked.

I nodded. “Well, little Ricky doesn't have any balls.”

Goldie thought for a moment. “Good to know. Now, I know how you like to distract me, but I'm sharp as a tack. Using a Ricky Dicky doll to keep from talking about Jack Reid. You should be ashamed.” She tsked me. “Jack is definitely your muse because that writing is good.” She pointed one manicured finger at my pages on the counter. “Imagine what you could write if you actually did have sex.”

Alphabetizing the videos, I tried to avoid looking Goldie in the eye. I was being a complete idiot, having even the slightest feelings for Jack while knowing he was going back to Florida. I did a mental head slap. Stupid, stupid! I shouldn't have let him kiss me, shouldn't have let him back in the same state. Being near him—and not wanting to kill him anymore—was wonderful, but I knew it would hurt when he walked away. Again. “He's leaving. I'm not going to sleep with a guy I might not see again for another ten years.”

“Why not?”

“Because...because you’ve seen him. I'm afraid I'm going to want him more than once every ten years.”

“Hmm, that's a problem. I don't have a box for that.”

Goldie droppedme off at Violet's house just after midnight. The neighborhood was dark, everyone asleep. I went up to the door, opened it a crack and flipped on the light switch. Jasper still wasn't back in his home so I turned out the light, locked up. I had to find another place to sleep. No way in hell would I be able to climb in bed with a snake on the loose. There weren't very many choices. My house was out of the question because of the fire damage. I couldn't go to my parents so late at night without an explanation and I wasn't going to tell them someone broke into Violet's house. There was only one option left.

Five minutes later, I knocked on Owen Reid's door. Jack answered it wearing old sweats, a heavy fleece jacket, shirttails of a plaid flannel shirt hanging below, and heavy socks. His hair was unruly, as if he'd been running his hands through it. Boy, would I like to run my fingers through it. Feel how silky soft it was. Ugh. Maybe I was still drunk.

The TV was on, set to a sports recap show. I didn't think men watched anything but sports or sports recaps. Jack held the door open for me, smiled. “I knew you wouldn't be able to keep your hands off me.”

“It's you or the snake,” I grumbled as I bent down by the door to take off my boots.

“Good to know where I stand.”

I hung up my coat on a hook by the door. “It's freezing in here.” I rubbed my arms.

Jack came up behind me, pulled my back into his front, and wrapped his arms around me. I felt his body heat seep into me right away. “Like you said, the electric's back on, the heat's working as well, but it hasn't gotten up to temp yet.”

“The plastic over the doorway to the kitchen should help some, but not much.”

“So could warmer weather,” Jack grumbled. “In the meantime”—he took my hand and pulled me to the sofa—“you can keep me warm.”

The idea was very appealing. Jack pulled me down next to him, tucked me in beneath his arm, my head resting against his shoulder. He must've grabbed a blanket off the guest bed because he pulled a heavy blue comforter up over both of us.

“I haven't snuggled in a long time,” I commented, content.

Jack made a sound something along the lines of a growl. “I don't want to hear about the other times you'vesnuggled.” I'd swear I heard a possessive tone to his voice. “I'll have you know this is my first time. Snuggling. I like it. Be gentle with me.” He squeezed my upper arm.

Oh, brother.

We watched the TV without talking until the commercial. “Any idea who might have broken into Violet's house?” Jack asked.

I turned to face him, keeping close because he was warm. That was my reason and I was sticking to it. Not because I liked hearing his heartbeat beneath my ear, feel the muscles of his stomach shift and twitch against my hand. “I think it might be the lady in the pink jacket.”

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