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“I take it I’m regulated to the safe room in the safe house,” she said morosely to no one in particular. “I’m going to take a shower and a nap.” She entered the bedroom and closed the door behind her, collapsing against it. Missing Mac, she looked at the bed where they had found each other again, sending up a silent prayer for his safe return.

Willa stripped off her clothes and started the shower. Catching sight of her bright-red ass with Mac’s handprints covering it, several along the tops of her thighs as well, she decided they were going to have to talk about this. Who was she kidding? Mac had no intention of or interest in discussing it. As he’d said, he was taking the lead, and she would answer to him. Much as she hated to admit it, it worked well for John and Mandy, and she had found herself accepting Mac’s dominance. For the most part, it felt natural and right and seemed to increase their libidos to epic levels.

As she emerged dressed in a T-shirt and drying her hair, there was a soft knock on the door. She answered it to find two of the agents who said they wanted to check to make sure she was all right and to see if she needed anything. She assured himeverything was fine, she didn’t need a thing, and she was going to take a nap.

Willa stretched out, hugged the pillow that still held Mac’s scent, and fell asleep.

Mac and his team spent the day following the tire tracks until they ended on a main road. They could tell the vehicle had turned south. Eastwick was definitely on the run and headed for Mexico. John had called to say they were at the safe house, and Willa was uncharacteristically quiet and cooperative.

He shook his head. She was going to learn to mind him one way or another. He really hoped she behaved until this was over. He’d meant what he said. If she did, he’d call them square. If not, he intended to show her the error of her ways.

His cock stirred at the thought of Willa’s soft and supple ass under his hand when he spanked her and how aroused she became when he asserted his natural dominance. They weren’t through the worst of it, but he felt they’d make it through together and end up incredibly happy with a great marriage. He made a mental note to have her ring sent from his safe deposit box in Louisiana.

“Where to now, Boss?” Baez asked.

“Mesa, I guess. I don’t think there’s anything more to be done. Make sure the authorities all up and down the Rio Grande have his picture and know he’s a federal fugitive.”

They rode to Tortilla Flats, where they helped Gus load the horses and stow the gear.

“Gus, I’m going to send one of the guys with you to get the horses unloaded and you situated.”

“Don’t worry about me, Mac. I’ve been doing this since before you were born.”

Mac smiled. “I know that, but I also need to be able to tell Willa I made sure you and her horses were taken care of. Someone might come sniffing around looking for her, and I’d just as soon know we have things covered on the home front, too.”

“I know you don’t need me to tell you your business, but you might want to either catch Eastwick pronto or have someone else take the lead while you go take care of Willa. You know her, Mac… she won’t be contained by anyone for long, except maybe you.”

“I know you’re right.” Mac sighed. “Trust me, Gus. I’m doing the best I can.”

The old cowboy smiled. “I know you are, but Willa’s not big on listening to anyone except Willa.”

“I’m working on that, too.”

Gus and Baez loaded the horses and headed toward Willa’s ranch. It was funny how he was already starting to think of the ranch as home again.

Turning toward where the vehicles were parked, he saw Taylor headed his way.

“What’s up, Taylor?”

“They think we may have a possible hit on Eastwick. The Border Patrol thinks he may have tried to cross over but jackrabbited when he realized they were doing more than a cursory search of vehicles.”

“Do we know where?”

“Yep, got it programmed into the GPS, and one of the border guys is trying to follow him in an unmarked car.”

“Let’s roll.”

Simon Eastwick was growing angrier and more frustrated by the hour. First, his damn wife’s body had been found. Then, when he tried to kidnap Willa Reynolds to use as a guide in the wilderness, the damn US Marshals almost got him. Simon had been paying far too much attention to Willa’s tits. He’d planned to make use of her while they were traveling together, then sell her to the highest bidder once they were south of the border.

Unfortunately, he’d slipped up and confessed he killed his wife. That shouldn’t have been a problem. He’d contacted some rather unsavory businessmen he knew and was able to locate a guy who said he could dispose of her for a reasonable fee. The bastard had missed his shot, and the marshals had taken Willa into protective custody. Simon had been fairly certain if caught, the local hitman would have sold him out in a New York minute. He’d been able to eliminate that problem by offering to up the guy’s fee and bring him the cash. If the marshals had found him, they’d managed to somehow keep it out of the headlines, but it didn’t matter because he was sure all they would have found was a corpse and no physical evidence to connect him with the murder.

Simon had left his wife’s two useless, pampered ponies at a dude ranch and taken two more-experienced horses to get him out of the country. Even that had proved far more difficult than he had imagined. Once again, he’d reached out to former business associates who, for a substantial fee, were willing to pick him up in the desert and take him to Mexico, leaving the stolen horses to be ridden away, so if anyone was tracking him, they would follow the horses instead of Simon.

He thought things had finally turned around as they approached a small, sleepy border crossing used mostly by locals. When the driver of the Towncar he was in mentioned it was taking longer than normal, Simon realized the border patrol agents seemed to be doing a fairly thorough search of all vehicles. They’d pulled the car out of line and headed toward Scottsdale.

It was becoming apparent to Simon the biggest threat to his new life was Willa Reynolds. His lawyer thought they had a pretty good chance of beating the case against him for his wife’s death. If he eliminated Willa, he could simply explain to the court that having been accused of his wife’s murder, he had panicked in his grief-stricken state. Simon smiled. He was pretty sure he could sell that. After all, he could sell anything.

The only thing in his way was Willa.

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