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“The special must be the clam risotto with bacon and chives.”

Mac smiled. “It must be.”

She kissed him again as he held her chair for her. “You called ahead to see if it was before suggesting we eat here.”

“Not true. I called this morning and asked the chef if he’d make it. I know it’s your favorite.”

“It’s delicious,” she said, closing the menu and putting it on the table. “So, did you have a good trip? Did something come up?”

“I had an excellent trip except for the fact you weren’t with me. They wanted to talk, but nothing bad came up. Do you want to split soup and a salad?”

“Of course. Why did they call you into headquarters?”

“Can we just enjoy being together and at least wait until dinner is served?”

She leaned closer to him. “Yes, but I want to be finished talking by the time we leave.” She lowered her voice to a whisper. “The only thing I have on under this dress is my bra, and I expect to be out of that long before we get home.”

He laughed, arousal creeping into his tone.

“Cowgirl, we don’t live but forty minutes from here.”

She reached under the table, placing her hand on his hard thigh, and giving it a gentle squeeze.

“I know, and I’ve been without for more than a week. Can’t we pull off on that old mining road and spend a little time becoming reacquainted?”

He shook his head. “Nope.”

Willa pulled away, surprised. Mac was usually up for anything that resulted in his getting laid sooner rather than later.

“Why not?” she asked disappointedly.

“Because,” he said, drawing her closer and lowering his own voice, “when I finally have you naked, I plan to keep you that way, and I mean to fuck you long and hard, so it’s best if we’re already home.”

Willa giggled. “Alrighty, then. But I don’t intend to dawdle over dinner, and I’ll race you home.”

“Willa, we talked about you and speeding. I meant it. Get one more ticket and you’ll be facing the same kind of consequences Mandy does. Besides, I had a car service bring me out, so I’ll be riding home with you.”

The butterflies that had settled into a flutter in her belly burst forth into full flight. There was no getting around it—she found Mac’s stern voice and threat of corporal punishment heady stuff. She only wished she didn’t find the actual spankings as arousing. Worse was when he actually spanked her for punishment, then dominated her sexually until she was completely and totally sated and willing to do whatever he wanted. They had never discussed it, and she doubted she would ever share that with him.

He squeezed her hand, then whispered, “If that hand creeps any closer to my cock, when we leave, I’ll find a quiet place to spank that pretty ass while I have you bent over the tailgate.”

Willa could feel the blush rising in her cheeks. She searched his face and realized he was dead-ass serious. They’d stopped one time, and he’d bent her over the tailgate to mount her from behind, but he’d never actually stated he would spank her. She wanted to be shocked and appalled, but she didn’t.

“Yes, Mac.”

He brought her hand up from under the table and kissed her knuckles.

“That’s my good girl.”

She didn’t like that Mac didn’t want to talk. That was her MO. Normally, Mac would talk about anything. She’d never been with a man who was more comfortable with or better able to discuss what he was feeling. She couldn’t help but feel, Mac’s unwillingness to talk did not bode well. They spent the rest of dinner talking only generally about Mac’s unplanned trip and Willa’s latest gig. Finally, they split dessert, then went out to the parking lot.

“Do you want to drive?”


She threw him the keys, and he helped her into the car, allowing his hand to linger on her bottom as he blatantly looked down the front of her dress.

“See something you like there, lawman?”

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