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They were met at the lodge by staff members who took possession of the horses and mule. Their men had arranged for each couple to have their own private cabin and access to the public showers. They were, as they were diplomatically informed by the wranglers, ordered to make immediate use of them.

Looking at one another, the women headed to the communal women’s shower. Pushing open the door, Zara was the first to enter. “Why do I feel like the condemned being given her last shower and meal before execution?”

“Because with the exception of your penchant for stupid, reckless stunts, you’re generally quite bright,” growled Noah Taylor from just behind the door. Startled, Zara squeaked when he grabbed her, but there was no resistance when he yanked her against his hard body for another fiery kiss.

The last to enter, Avery found herself treated no differently than any of the others. As soon as she was inside, she was hauled into Thom’s embrace.

His mouth descended overs hers in a hungry kiss designed to assure him that she was fine and allay any doubt in her mind as to whether or not he was angry with her. He was. But he was also glad she was safe. She wasn’t sure if that made it easier or worsewhen he at last let her go. The look he gave her before he walked away, joining the other men in waiting for them just outside, said clearly she had some explaining to do and they were going to get to it.

“Nice knowing you guys,” Finn said, taking one of five sets of guest slippers and robe that had been left out for them.

One by one, they all did the same. Claiming an empty shower stall for herself, Avery reluctantly indulged in one of the longest showers of her life. It didn’t help. Her stomach was still in knots and Thom was still waiting on the porch to escort her to their sleeping accommodations.

Thom was quiet as he held the door for her to enter their cabin. She was just slipping past him to cross the threshold when his hand snaked out to deliver an angry swat to her backside. Avery yelped, skipping the rest of the way inside.

“Naked, corner, now,” was all he said, shutting the door behind him.


“Thom, is it? What’s the first rule?”

She worried her hands. “That when I’m in trouble I’m to call you Sir or Daddy.”

“Are you laboring under the assumption that you aren’t in trouble? Because if you are, little girl, let me hasten to assure you that you are very wrong.”

“Daddy?” she said quietly.

“Damn straight, Daddy. I don’t like having to repeat myself, little girl. You get yourself naked and get your nose in that corner.”

Stripping out of her robe, she could only hope he might attribute her beaded nipples to the chill in the air-conditioned room. She wasn’t sure what, besides the unwilling arousal now coursing through her entire body, she could say to explain the cause for how wet she was. How very, incredibly wet. Averywalked to the corner and stood quietly. She couldn’t decide whether or not she ought to dread what she suspected was going to be a fairly harsh discipline session or welcome it as a way for Thom to express his anger with her and for her to acknowledge and atone for what she was sure he considered her bad behavior.

“Turn around, Avery.”

She turned slowly to find him rolling up first one sleeve and then the other. Her entire body pulsed with the same need and desire she could feel spasming in her sheath. Her breath became shallow and thready. There was just something so mesmerizing in the way he did it and she knew he was well aware of the effect he was having on her.


She couldn’t tear her eyes away from him as he revealed his strong forearms.

“Did I not tell you that I wanted you to stick close to home and that Fariq might be planning something?”

“Yes, Sir.”

“Did you do what Daddy told you to do?”

“No, Sir.”

“Did you lie to Daddy about what you and the girls were up to?”

“Not exactly. I didn’t know they were planning to go for a ride until we got there, but there were five of us.”

“And they had one very well-armed gunship.”

“But we won,” she said meekly.

“What you did was keep your foolishness from getting the lot of you killed. And I’m proud of you that you could do that, but if you’d minded me from the start, then it wouldn’t have been necessary, would it?”

“No, Sir.”

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