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“Yes, Sir. And I’m going to assume if that doesn’t check the behavior, when we get alone, I’ll get spanked.”

He shook his head and Avery’s heart dropped. Had the dominant Thom of yesterday retreated to the guy she knew who might still be great in the sack but unable to fulfill her submissive desires?

“No, baby, when we get home, you’ll get your bottom welted and your ass fucked. I don’t call that spanking, and I certainly don’t want you to think for even one minute that just because we’re with friends you can misbehave or that I’m not still holding the reins.”

“Thank you,” she said, raining kisses all over his face.

“Trust me,” he laughed. “You don’t want me to have to lay stripes across your pretty backside. Or maybe you’re not as opposed as you think to having Daddy take your bottom hole for his pleasure… and yours.”

Her experiences with anal weren’t exactly good memories. But as much as her knee-jerk reaction wanted to disagree and maybe even beg him not to, a part of her thought he might be right. She didn’t particularly want anal, but she did want to submit to him in any way he wanted. Maybe even sometimes in ways she didn’t particularly want to submit. “I think if that’s something you want, then I want to give it to you… or maybe to have you take would be more accurate.”

That was a hard thing to admit and she couldn’t believe she had, but Thom kissed the side of her head. “You just made Daddy very happy. To hear you tell me that you want to give me what I want even when you don’t think you want it is such a gift. I want you to know how much I treasure you and that I will never take you for granted.”

“I won’t take you for granted either,” she promised.

“Good.” He kissed her again. “Come on, let’s go in the bathroom. I’ve already showered, but I want to get you cleaned up before you shower, then we’ll head into the office.”

“Hey, if I’d known yesterday was going to happen, I’d have shaved my legs.”

“Ah, yes,” he said, running his finger up the inside of her thigh, “but would you have shaved your princess parts?”

Avery felt herself blush. She had never shaved herself there, not really. Oh, she’d neatened up the thatch, but every time the discussion had come up in the past, she’d always steadfastly refused. And that included during her last disaster of a relationship.

As if reading her mind, Thom said quietly, “Not a request, little girl. I want you bare below so I can see everything. You can keep the rest of you cleaned up, but I’ll be the one who keeps that done. Besides, if I have to spank your pussy, it will be bared for my punishment.”

She wanted to protest, but the matter-of-fact and authoritative way he’d said it sent her desire spinning. She was going to need a cold shower if he didn’t stop.

Instead of giving voice to all that, what she heard herself blurting out was a startled, “Would you do that? You’dspankmy pussy?”

“If I think it’s needed, yes.”

“Won’t that hurt… a lot?”

Thom nodded. “Yep. But if it’s warranted, I have no problem using my hand or any other implement of my choosing on your most sensitive and feminine area. Hopefully, you’ll choose to behave in such a way that it isn’t necessary for me to do that, but don’t ever think that I will fail to give you what I think you need. And like our buddy Noah, I’m a big fan of ginger as a deterrent as well.”

“TMI!” she cried, bursting into shocked laughter. “Oh, my God!” Her face flamed.

“Up you go,” he said and led her into the bathroom. “Hop up on the counter, lean back, and spread your legs.”

“Thom, can’t this wait?”

“Can it? Probably. Is it going to? Nope. Your choice, little girl, isn’t whether or not I’m going to shave you bare. The question is, considering the state of your backside, do I spank your pussy first?”

His determined stance and tone of voice told her he’d just given her the only choice she had.

She gave in, grumbling, “The least you could do is let me sit on some soft, folded-up towels to cushion my sorely abused backside while you and a razor get all kinky with my private parts.”

Thom grinned, shaking his head. “Good thing for you it’s your sass that I fell in love with first.” Laying down a folded towel, he helped her up onto the counter and spread her legs. “I want you to lean back on your elbows and keep very still for Daddy.”

Giddy, not at all sure what to expect, Avery complied, but there was no suppressing her startled gasp as his strong fingers slathered warm shaving lotion all over her mons and sex.

“How does that feel?” he asked, picking up the razor and swishing it through the water before carefully making his first swipe through the lather.

“I’m not going to lie. I’ve never done this and never thought I’d ever let anyone do this. If I get all itchy because of this, I promise you’re going to know it because I’m going to get very grouchy.”

Chuckling, he continued shaving. “Do you know how much better it’s going to feel when Daddy plays with you tonight, hm? I am going to suck on your little nubbin until you’re begging me for release.”

Try though she did to hold still, Avery couldn’t help wiggling. This was at once the most un-erotic thing she’d ever suffered through and yet, his fingers rubbing in the lather, parting her folds, carefully raking the razor over her most sensitive parts—all of it was weirdly arousing. Both deliciously naughty and yet clinically gynecological all at the same time. And the way he was talking to her—not dirty per se, and certainly not demeaning—was heightening her arousal. She didn’t want to come, but the longer this went on, the more certain she was that she might not have a choice in the matter before long. Her nipples had beaded back up and her clit was pulsing. With every light brush of his razor or fingers, he only made her ache that much more.

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