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“Seriously, well done! Hughes is one helluva woman.”

“That she is. Look, while I’m thinking of it, Zara and I both think Springer planned to use Finn against Reid. I really don’t think Reid wanted his sister harmed or killed.”

“But Ghazil is pretty sure Reid is the one who put out the hit on Zara.”

“I agree. Zara is nothing to Reid. I just think Finn might sleep a little easier if she knows her brother didn’t set her up to be killed.”

“That makes sense. If Reid is worried about what was on the flash drive and lost it, but Springer got it back, Fariq would be forced to reconsider his options.”

“That’s what we were thinking. I think we try to take Reid down without killing him. If we can get him to turn on Fariq, we might be able to get him put into some kind of witness protection program and at least save his life.”

“I think that would be easier on Finn. She’s trying to put on a brave face, but it’s got to be eating at her. Go get Zara.”

“I will. Take care of Finn.”

Noah rang off. With Springer dead, Reid would have redeemed himself in Fariq’s eyes, but Fariq wasn’t going to want a fight with the firm. Maybe they could use that to their advantage. If he could get Zara to agree to back off, and Fariq knew the information was no longer a threat, he would call off the contract and shut Reid down. Then if they could get Reid, they’d have a whole new ball game—one that would keep Zara and Finn safe and break the back of Fariq’s organization.



Zara had received the coordinates of Fariq’s boat and was closing in on his position. She could see his massive yacht in the distance and the gunboats that patrolled it, keeping others away. Apparently, they’d been given the green light for Zara to approach. She was given instructions where to tie up to Fariq’s floating fortress and was greeted by the captain, who she had met before.

“May I take your bag?” he asked, indicating the large messenger bag that contained the laptop.

“Not until I speak with your boss, and he and I have come to an arrangement.”

The captain offered his hand and helped her aboard. He waved a wand over her person that would indicate metal or gunpowder of any kind. While Zara had taken a gun with her, she had left it on the boat.

“This way, Ms. Hughes. Mr. Abdal has had tea set up on the top deck.”

“I didn’t come for tea, and I’d really prefer to meet here close to my boat. Tell Fariq if he wants what I have, he can come to me.”

Zara’s peripheral vision took in the gunboats that continued to circle the yacht. They were black and closely resembled shark fins in infested waters.

“As you wish,” the captain said before offering her a slight bow and disappearing—leaving her alone on deck.

Her being alone was merely an illusion. She was quite sure any wrong move would reveal those Fariq had tasked with keeping her under close guard. She heard several sets of footsteps approach.

“Zara! How delightful to see you. Are you sure I can’t tempt you with some tea and cakes? My new pastry chef is beyond belief with her skill.”

“No, thank you, Fariq. I would prefer to get this over and done with.”

“I take it the laptop is in the bag?”

“It is, but what assurances do I have you’ll hold up your end of the bargain and not continue to hunt me and those I hold dear?”

“You have my word, which has always been good. Besides, Zara, I have always liked you, and we have served each other well over the years. I have no interest in Mr. Taylor or his firm as long as they leave me alone. As for the contract on your life, I have reprimanded Reid for his ill-considered decision. I have let it be known the contract is rescinded, and anyone trying to harm you in fulfillment of that contract will be dealt with in the most serious of ways.”

“Why would you do that when you didn’t even have the laptop?”

“Call it a gesture of goodwill. One which I hope you will share with the Wild Mustang Security Firm.”

She nodded. “And you’ll leave all the members of the firm alone?”

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