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Noah shook his head. “If something were to happen to me, I wouldn’t want you to stop thinking or talking about me. I would hope your memories would help you push through your grief and find your way back to happiness. I’m not afraid of Damian’s ghost.”

“And there you go being all kind and sensitive. It really was much easier resisting your charm when you were tranq’ing me in the ass and beating me.”

“I don’t beat you, and you know it. As you said earlier, resisting me was a losing proposition for you even then.”

“You think you’re irresistible?” She rolled her eyes.

“No, I think you and I were inevitable. And I think, for you, I’m catnip for your very greedy pussy.”

The heat of her blush spread across her cheeks. What was it about him that called to her in such a fundamental way? Hewas a primitive force of nature yet could make her feel shy and unsure of her own footing.

“And what am I?”

He turned from the cutting board and bussed her lips.

“I told you… you’re my everything.”

“I’m going to remind you of that the next time you have me facedown over your knee, spanking me.”

“Sweetheart, I’m never more aware of it than when I have my hands on your ass.”

Zara laughed in spite of herself. He really was insufferably arrogant and incredibly wonderful. She left him in the kitchen, intending to sit on the couch. Thinking better of it, she went back into the bedroom and returned with the two bed pillows. Noah turned around and cocked his eyebrow, the hint of a smile playing across his lips.

“Not one word out of you.”

“Not a peep. By the way, I notice you appropriated my sweater this morning. I have to tell you, I rather like that you seem to keep doing that.”

They shared breakfast, and Noah went over some of the safety protocols already in place. He also showed her where all the guns were kept in case of an emergency.

“I’ll double-check with Thom, but my guess is this vintage-looking seeded glass is actually bulletproof.”

“You think they could have had all the windows replaced in that amount of time?” she asked.

“You’d be amazed what a little flex of reputational muscle and a lot of money can accomplish. Thom is the best at wielding both. We may have had this place in the works for a while. That’s more on the operational side, something I avoid like the plague.”

“Do you think Mac might be willing to sit down sometime for an interview?”


“Not any kind of exposé. I think people would be fascinated by all you guys do, how Mac put the team together… that kind of thing. I think it would be great advertising.”

“I hate to burst your bubble, but we don’t need the advertising. Mac picks and chooses what we take on. We have a lot more business than we can handle. In fact, we’re always on the lookout for another operative. But again, that’s operational, and you’re welcome to ask him. By the way, thanks for cleaning up the kitchen. You didn’t have to.”

“I know, but I figured turnabout was fair play. You cooked it, so I tided up. Given your prowess in the kitchen, that’s a deal I’m happy to make.”

“I didn’t think it was my cooking prowess you enjoyed.”

“What can I say? I’m a lucky girl. I got a man with both. Do you think we might go for a walk on the beach?”

“I think I can arrange that. Let me finish dressing. You might enjoy seeing me half-naked, but I’m really not Thom’s type.”

“Good to know because I don’t share.”

He pulled her tight and kissed her with a dizzying intensity that made her weak at the knees.

“Neither do I.”

She watched him walk away. He really was delicious eye candy.

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