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“I’m not hungry,” she said, not moving from where he had halted her trying to put physical distance between them.

“I didn’t ask if you were hungry, I told you to eat your lunch. I also told you to get your ass back over here, and I meant both.”

“No,” she said quietly.

Noah took a deep breath and exhaled slowly, fighting back the rising annoyance being fed by his rampant arousal. God, his dick was killing him.

“Zara, if I have to make you do every single thing I tell you to do, you may never be able to sit or fuck comfortably again. I’m warning you, sweetheart, your bottom being painful won’t keep from fucking it or your pussy. If I get my lunch finished before you even start yours, I’ll put you over my knee and spank you until you decide eating cold fish, veggies, and grains is better than the alternative.”

She started to scooch away as she reached for the plate. He swept his arm over her lap and pulled her back hard against him.

“You stay where I put you and eat your lunch,” he growled.

“I know I’ve said it already, but I really do hate you.”

He chuckled. “No, you don’t, but you’d like to. Fair warning, you keep saying that to me, and I’ll make you take it back before I let you come.”

He wasn’t all that surprised when she shot up off the couch and threw her plate in his face. In fact, if he was completely honest, he wondered if he hadn’t been deliberately provoking an outburst from her. He really wanted to get his hands on her naked ass, both to spank and to hold her still while he rutted between her thighs.

He had no doubt by the time they spoke with the team, Zara would be well on her way to deciding she would be far better off ensuring his desire to pleasure her exceeded his need to discipline her.

She stared down at him, her breath coming in shallow pants. Noah took his napkin and slowly wiped his face. Carefully placing his own plate on the table in front of him, he stood. He had to admire that she didn’t take a step back or even flinch. He had a good six to seven inches in height and a solid sixty pounds of muscle on her.

“I ought to make you get down on your hands and knees and eat that off the floor, but humiliating women has never been my thing. However, I’m not above humbling one.”

He grasped her luxurious dark mane in his fist. Zara tried to dislodge his hand, which only resulted in him strengthening his grip. He’d light up her scalp before he lit up her backside. Noah marched her into the bedroom, then pulled her sports bra off her shoulders and rolled it down her torso. Stripping her of both it and her sweatpants, he sat on the bed and pulled a now naked Zara over his lap. Tilting her forward until her feet lifted off the floor, he removed the last of her clothing. A fresh surge of arousal shot through him and his cock pushed against the crotch of his jeans.

“No,” she wailed, starting to truly struggle.

Noah angled her so her upper body could rest on the mattress, then pressed her down, trapping her legs between his. He grinned. He knew he shouldn’t be looking forward to what was about to happen, but he was. He couldn’t wait to feel her naked bottom bounce underneath his hand. What made it even more arousing was her nipples were hard as rocks, and the nectar from her pussy was leaking out to coat her labia and the very tops of her thighs. Noah had plans for how to handle that as well.

“You settle down and take your spanking like a good girl, and maybe I’ll only spank you as hard as I did when you were bent over the motorbike.”

“It will still hurt more, and we both know it,” she said through gritted teeth.

He smiled. It seemed he’d been right about Damian and Zara’s relationship. Good. He didn’t have to worry about scaring her, and she knew what to expect. That was the last time he would think of Damian when he had Zara naked… and he planned to have Zara naked a lot.

“That’s true. Maybe you should have thought of that before throwing that little tantrum. The men who came before me might have put up with that shit, but I won’t. I’m going to put enough sting in your tail, you decide to behave.”



Zara wasn’t fooled for even a minute. Noah may have sounded in control, but both annoyance and lust rolled off him in waves, threatening to engulf her in their power. She knew the spanking he’d inflicted earlier was nothing. Her sweatpants had provided her with a good bit of protection.

Her two biggest fears were, one—he would recognize he was not the only one in a state of exaggerated arousal, and two—he wouldn’t. Zara also had some concern he might, as Damian had on more than one occasion, take his belt or a strap to her backside. God, she hated leather. It not only left welts that served as a vivid reminder for days after being spanked, it also made it damn uncomfortable to sit or have sex. The worst part was any time she’d ever been spanked, it had left her wet and wanting. The spanking from Noah earlier had done both.

Without another word, Noah raised his hand and began to spank her, the first blow catching her a bit unaware, unprepared for the level of pain his hand hitting the same spots he’d targeted earlier would cause.

Zara had planned to endure whatever punishment he inflicted stoically and without pleading. The second strike put an end to that plan. She cried out, which seemed only to inflameand encourage him. He increased both the tempo and the strength of the swats being delivered. Had he not had her legs pinned between his own and the hand not spanking her to keep her in position, she might have found some way to get free.

Noah rained blow after blow, covering her backside with painful strikes. From previous spankings, Zara knew when he was done, her poor backside would be red, swollen, and painful. She thrashed and struggled, but nothing seemed to faze him. Noah continued to spank her hard and thoroughly. When she thought she couldn’t take any more or feel any more pain, he moved to catch her sit spots, then down to the tops of her thighs, causing her to cry out.

“You may as well give in and cry, Zara. This time, I mean to get through to you.”

“You can’t spank me,” she wailed.

“I can, I am, and I will,” he said, punctuating each word with a hard swat to what was now a very painful bottom.

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