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Croft steered her back into the room. John looked them up and down. Finn felt a bit embarrassed and squeamish at his perusal but was impressed Croft looked him unflinchingly in the eye.

“You have experience and history with Fariq. How certain are you he’ll hold to the agreement?”

“Certain enough, I’m letting Finn come along,” Croft answered.

“He’s my brother,” Finn muttered.

“And you’re my woman,” Croft growled.

“That was fast.” John chuckled.

Finn watched a slow, sensual smile spread across Croft’s face.

“As I recall the story, you laid claim to your Mandy pretty damn quick.”

“That I did.” John nodded, smiling. “Baez will make sure nothing happens to Finn… well, nothing that you don’t mete out.” He turned to Finn. “As for you, I’d mind him if I were you.”

“Seriously? Do you guys hear yourselves? What makes you think once my brother is safe, he and I won’t just go back to our lives and leave him and the rest of you Neanderthals in the dust?”

“I don’t know about your brother, but if you run, that man standing next to you will come for you and keep coming until he’s caught up with you. If you force him to do that, when he’s done with you, you won’t do it a second time,” John assured.

Croft laughed. “And you can check with his Mandy about that.”

John smiled. In spite of herself, Finn was really beginning to like Croft’s superior.

“That you can. Or she can talk to Willa about the many uses of handcuffs.”

“I can see where handcuffing you jackasses might prove to be useful.”

“You and Mac and your spitfires.” John shook his head. “I’m just grateful Mandy tends to like to keep out of trouble with me. You have your hands full with this one, Croft.”

Croft grinned and hugged her close. “But doesn’t Mac always say, the spitfires are the ones who are more fun to tame?”

“He does. And you’re the same special kind of crazy. Finn?” John leaned down and kissed her on the cheek. “Welcome to the family, and remember, family doesn’t lie to each other.”

“We weren’t family when I didn’t tell you everything,” Finn said, oddly reassured by John’s words.

John asked for a few minutes of privacy, and Finn left them in the conference room. As Croft joined her, she realized his body was far more relaxed than it had been since they entered the building. Taking her hand, he headed into the blazing Arizona heat.

“Everything okay?” Finn asked. “Did I get you in any trouble… you know, because of us?”

“No, babe. John just wanted to caution me as tempting as it might be to really get after you tonight, either over my knee or between your legs, I probably wanted to wait until we have your brother back safe and sound.”

“Are you kidding me? Did he actually say that to you? Of course, he did,” she said, shaking her head. “So, I’m off the hook?” she asked hopefully.

“Hardly,” he snorted. “But at least your backside is safe until then, and I won’t fuck you hard enough tonight to make you too sore—but that’s only if you settle down and behave.”

“How gallant of you,” she snarked.

He spun her around and pulled her into his arms, kissing her deeply.

“Careful, Finn. John also made it clear whether you’re at the meeting is entirely up to me. If I change my mind, you’ll stay behind where I can keep you safe.”

“What makes you think I’d sit on the sidelines just because you told me to?”

Croft laughed. “What makes you think you’d have a choice?” He kissed her again as he opened the door of her truck. “Hush, Finn. Let’s go home.”

He helped her in before going around the front of the truck and slipping behind the wheel. They followed what appeared to be a well-worn track to an old dairy barn. Finn was surprised to see the nicely manicured and green lawn as well as extensive landscaping behind the picket fence. There was a water feature in the front yard, and she spied several species of koi. Croft stopped by the pond and lifted a rock, which was actually a container for fish food, and sprinkled it over the water.

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