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“And I control the information you need and what happens from here on out. It occurs to me there is a pilot and another individual in the helicopter. Should I assume he is actually the one pulling your strings?”

Croft watched the two men exchange glances and look back toward the chopper. He wasn’t all that surprised when he saw the man at the back of the helicopter raise his hand and wave the men back to where he was sitting. Croft watched as the man stepped out and removed his sunglasses… Fariq Abdal.

The good news was, he’d had dealings with Fariq in the past. The bad, not all of them had been handled professionally and without violence. Added to the good, all the transactions that had gone south, so to speak, had been before he was with Wild Mustang.

“Croft. Shall I say it is good to see you?”

Fariq spoke with a French accent but was of North African descent. His home was a large yacht that remained in the neutral waters of the world, guarded by several heavily armed patrol boats. The man was among the wealthiest individuals in the world and had his own peculiar sense of honor and morality towhich he remained true. Croft supposed if he was going to have to deal with an arms dealer, Fariq was probably the best.

“Fariq, it’s good to see you.”

“As it is you. It would appear the hotheaded photojournalist is letting cooler heads prevail. I believe that will be in all of our best interests.”

Croft nodded.

“You have the required ransom?”

“I do, but not with me.”

“A clever man, but not a very trusting one.”

“Come on, Fariq, we both know you wouldn’t have let her walk away. Besides, I didn’t know it was you. You must admit, most of those in your line of work are not to be trusted.”

Fariq smiled, his gold tooth with the diamond inset gleaming in the midday sun.

“Probably not,” he said, shrugging his shoulders. “But we both know I have no desire to run afoul of you and those who make up Wild Mustang.”

“I’m glad to hear it. With other men, less honorable than you,” Croft said, playing to the arms dealer’s vanity, “I would require proof of life. If you tell me he is no worse off than he appeared to be in the picture sent to his sister, I will accept your word.”

“He is not in worse shape,” said Fariq. “He is in better shape. I did not order him to be treated in that manner, nor do I condone how this matter has been handled thus far. I was only apprised of it yesterday. Your Mr. Reid has been well cared for, and I believe you will find him in much better shape than you were previously led to believe. I take it you would like to propose a different time and place to meet?”

“I believe you like the Four Seasons in Las Vegas. What do you say we meet in their dining room at say three o’clock? It should be quiet, and we both know the establishment well.”

Fariq nodded. “And I will have assurances from your firm you will have the only copy of the flash drive to exchange?”

“You will. You leave Reid at one table. One of my men will sit down with him. Then you and your man join me. I will hand over the flash drive, then join my team and Mr. Reid. After that, we all go our separate ways.”

“Ah, but who picks up the check?” chuckled Fariq.

“It would be our pleasure. Then we are agreed?”

“With one exception. I want the person who sits with him to be his sister…”


“But why? I am assuming he knows no one with your firm, and her presence will make him feel more comfortable.”

“I’m not sure she should see him like that before we have a chance to have him checked out.”

“I assure you, he looks much better than in the picture. Reid has become quite agitated by those in my employ involving his sister. I think it would go a long way to easing his concerns if he could speak to his sister. My only concern is the information that could prove damaging to my business. I have no axe to grind with either Reid or his sister. As long as I get what I want, I am content to allow both to live and wish them well.”

“How did a banker come by information that concerns you?” asked Croft.

“An inept former employee got lazy, sloppy, and greedy. He exposed my flank, so to speak. As the employee is gone, the only link back to me is the information your Mr. Reid stumbled across.”

“I will need to speak with my employer about whether Ms. Reid will be in play. If not, I will come alone. An acceptable compromise, don’t you think?”

Fariq nodded.

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