Page 178 of I Will Mend You

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A shiver snakes down my spine. There’s only one way to find out if Xero is right. I grab Seth’s flaccid penis. “Don’t fuck with me and don’t think I’ve forgotten how you slid this into the door hatch and told me to suck it in exchange for a bottle of water.”

He shudders. “I’m not the danger. It’s him.”

“You have a choice,” I snarl. “I can stab you in the heart and give you a quick death, or you can bleed out through a gaping wound in your groin.”

Fear floods Seth’s eyes, his pale face turning green, his gaze darting to Barrett. His lips tremble, but he makes no sound.

“What it’s going to be, Seth?” I ask. “A quick death or slow agony?”

“You’re as insane as that cunt,” he spits. “Delta didn’t stab me in the back. It was her. Ever since they got married, she’s made him weak. She’s the puppeteer.”

“So, nothing useful?” I make my first slice into the base of his shriveled dick.

“Her left eye is made of glass!” he screams.

“Something about her location.” I press the blade deeper, freeing a torrent of warm blood. His scream echoes across the church walls.

When all he does is jibber, I sever the rest of his penis and bring it to his lips. “Dessert.”

He jerks his head to the side. “You crazy bitch.”

“And you’re a liar.” I whack him across the face with the severed appendage. “A rapist.” I punctuate the word with another dick-slap. “And a murderer.”

His shrill laugh rings through my ears. “And what does that make you, huh? Torturer? Executioner?”

“A survivor.” I bring the bloody stump to his mouth. “And the one who’s giving you your last supper.”

Before I can stuff the penis down Seth’s gullet, Xero grabs my wrist in an iron grip and whirls me around. His eyes are wild, almost feral, radiating a dangerous mix fury and insanity.

Unable to withstand his gaze, I glance at the flame flickering at the tip of his lighter, casting a dancing light that illuminates the shadows of the old church. The heat from the impending fire and the intensity of his stare make my skin prickle with a surge of adrenaline.

“Are you playing with another man’s cock?” he growls.

My stomach drops.


“Xero,” I whisper, my voice trembling, “Turn off that lighter, or I’ll?—”

“You’ll what?” Xero interrupts with a grin sharp enough to cut throats. “Bad girls who leave men to die in burning basements are in no position to make threats.”

Behind us, Seth’s laughter morphs to wracking sobs. I toss the severed penis at his face, which only makes him cry harder.

Ignoring him, I turn back to Xero and his still-burning lighter. He breathes hard, his eyes dancing, their depths reflecting the flickering flames of madness.

My heart hurls itself against my ribcage, threatening to burst out of my chest. I breathe hard, struggling to keep calm enough to make him see reason.

“Let’s go to the car,” I say, trying not to provoke him further. “We can get out of here together.”

The grip on my arm tightens, and he leans close with a dark chuckle. “And why would I deprive you of a punishment?”

My lips part, and I struggle to form an answer. Before I can think of something to say to soothe this beast, Xero tosses the lighter over his shoulder with a sadistic smirk. The flame flies in an arc before landing on the altar cloth, which sets alight with a loud whoosh.

Panic bubbles up in my chest as the fire spreads across the church’s perimeter with the speed of falling dominoes. Wrenching my arm from Xero’s iron grip, I dart toward the edge of the altar, desperate to outrun the flames.

Snarling, Xero charges after me, grabs my waist, and lifts me off my feet. He spins me around and grabs my chin, forcing our gazes to meet. His features twist into a rictus of fury, sending a thrill of terror that goes straight to my clit.

“No one takes you from me. Not even you,” he snarls, his voice dark and possessive.

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