Page 142 of I Will Mend You

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She gazes up at me through dilated pupils, looking so vulnerable and needy I almost forget my train of thought.

“But I saved us. I couldn’t leave you to die in a burning house again.”

I stiffen, my anger replaced by surprise. I hadn’t expected her to bring up that past, the one we’d both agreed to bury and forget.

When she grips the lapels of my bullet-proof jacket, pulling me closer, heat rushes to my cock. Who am I to argue when I’ve brought out her protective instincts? Every fiber of me roars to claim her—to take what’s mine. To erase Father’s touch with mine exactly as she demanded, but a bump in the road breaks me out of those thoughts.

I’m about to pull back from the kiss when her teeth sink into my bottom lip. The sharp burst of pain has my knees buckling as all sensation rushes south. I twine my fingers into her curls, holding her in place as our tongues twist with desperate need.

“Stop fucking about,” Jynxson snaps, his voice cutting through the haze. “There’s a convoy of attackers up our ass. Xero, man the drones.”

With a groan, I tear myself away from my little ghost, my gaze lingering on the soft swell of her mouth. Her cheeks are flushed, and she’s breathing hard through parted lips, her eyes darkening with desire.

“We’re going to finish that kiss,” I growl, forcing myself to resist the pull.

Her eager nod sends a jolt of anticipation to my throbbing cock. I drag my feet to the console just as bullets hit the side of our truck. Jynxson swerves to avoid more incoming fire, making the tires screech.

Amethyst falls into the seat beside me and fastens her belt. On-screen, an armored truck chases us through a country road bordered by fields. Dust kicks up in a thick cloud behind us, obscuring part of our view, but not enough to hide the persistent bastards.

“Report,” I command, fingers flying across the laptop keyboard.

The drone feed comes to life, displaying a bird’s-eye view of our surroundings. Its thermal imaging picks up heat signatures inside a trio of pursuing vehicles. The front one has three individuals leaning out of the windows, shooting at us, while a fourth drives.

“There’s another truck chasing Tyler and his team,” Jynxson replies. “They’re fending off their attackers with drones.”

“Damn it,” I mutter, adjusting the drone’s altitude for a better angle. “And the Spring Brothers?”

“They’re pursuing Camila who went after Charlotte.”

“Any updates from her?” I ask, directing the drone to zoom in on our pursuers’ engine.

“Charlotte is driving toward Courtland Bridge. She could be leading them into an ambush,” Jynxson reports, his voice tense.

“Cut her off before she gets to her destination,” I snarl, locking the drone’s target. “Even if that means crashing into her from behind.”

“Copy that.”

Switching to manual control, I align the targeting system with our attacker’s hood. With a click of a key, the drone releases a burst of small charges. The screen lights up with the explosion, debris flying as the lead truck swerves and crashes into a ditch.

“Direct hit!” Jynxson shouts, but there’s no time for relief.

Amethyst’s eyes are glued to the screen, her breath coming in shallow gasps. The truck lurches as Jynxson makes a sharp turn, trying to shake off the remaining pursuers. I glance at her, myheart pounding not just from destroying our enemies but from the promise reflected in her gaze.

The second truck rams us from the back, making us jerk to the side. I maneuver the drone towards the next target, releasing another barrage of explosives. Jynxson speeds ahead, leaving them in flames.

Up ahead, the road narrows, lined with thick trees. Headlights emerge from the darkness on a collision course. Jynxson swerves, narrowly avoiding a crash. After deploying a drone against the third vehicle, I send another ahead to scan for obstacles. It looks like we’re clear.

“Are we safe?” Amethyst asks, her voice trembling.

I turn to meet her eyes, letting her fingers intertwine with mine. “Eager for that kiss?”

She whacks me on the arm, her smile intoxicating.

Camila’s voice sounds over the comms. “Xero, Charlotte just crashed into a tree.”

“Approach with caution. It could be a trap.” I sit back in my seat, my lips quirking. As a former instructor, Charlotte can definitely lead us to the facility’s location. We’re baby steps away from catching up with Father.

Amethyst squeezes my hand. “Why are you smiling?”

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