Page 56 of I Will Break You

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In an instant, my mind goes from half asleep to blind panic. Flinching, I sway on the chair, only for it to groan beneath my feet. I tip forward, but get pulled back by the rope around my neck.

Not a rope.

A noose.

Cold panic rushes through my veins, turning my skin to ice. Every pulse point in my body pounds, leaving me feeling like a raw nerve. Sensation floods my clit, even though not a single part of me finds this situation erotic.

One false move and the chair beneath my feet will topple over, leaving me hanging. I could choke or worse, break my neck.

Cool air swirls around my skin, making my nipples tighten. The figure shifts in the shadows, seeming intrigued.


Has he stripped me naked?

“Xero?” I whisper.

He inclines his head.

I blink over and over, trying to force my vision to adjust to the lack of light. My eyes are still sluggish, not yet caught up with my mind’s state of alarm. The chair beneath my feet creaks again,threatening to collapse with the barest movement. Tightening my leg muscles, I force my body to stay steady.

“Why are you doing this? Because of the wedding?”

Silence stretches out for several frantic heartbeats. Tension mounts until every fine hair on my body quivers, urging me to do something—anything—to break free. I reach behind my head and examine the contours of the knot. It consists of loops and coils woven too tightly for my fingers to unravel.

The rope extends to a sturdy-looking light fixture that glints in the moonlight. It looks like my only way out of this mess is to convince Xero to cut me loose or to pull down the ceiling.

“You were tempted,” he says in a voice so hoarse and deep that I barely recognize it as Xero’s.

My breath quickens. “Tempted by what?”

He doesn’t answer, and my mind scrambles to fill the gap. This can’t be about Gavin. I refused his advances point blank. The only man hot enough to tempt me is the priest staying with Mrs. Baker, but our conversation was brief.

“Disappointing,” he says.

My stomach flip flops. “I don’t know what you’re talking about.”

“Then let me refresh your memory.”

Something rumbles between my legs, teasing my swollen clit. Jolts of pleasure shoot through my core, causing me to shiver. I jerk and teeter forward, nearly losing my footing. With a gasp, I splay out my arms for balance.

“What the hell?” I yell.

“Silence,” he snaps. “Unless you want me to punish Relaney and Ezekiel.”

My breath catches. Why didn’t he mention Chappy? Whatever’s lodged in my pussy continues to torment my aching clit and throw my mind off balance. How the hell did I sleep through its insertion? How didn’t I wake up while being hung from the ceiling?

None of that matters if I fail to counter his accusation. I try to clear my thoughts. Why would he think I was tempted by Chappy?

I force my mind back to the events of yesterday and last night.There was another seance, but the details are fuzzy. I asked about my manuscript, but I can’t recall what he said.

“Xero,” I whisper. “I don’t remember. The medication made me forget?—”

“I told you to stop taking those drugs,” he snaps.

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