Page 119 of I Will Break You

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“Good little ghost. Your mouth was meant for my cock.”

I preen at the praise, even though I despise that nickname, and bob my head in time with his movements. It’s the tiny bit of control I can get when I’m so completely bound.

He thrusts deeper, past my gag reflex, and further into my throat. I can’t breathe because he’s cutting off my airway. Tears stream down my face as I struggle to take in oxygen, but he moves too hard and fast for me to catch my breath.

“That's it, take it all,” he growls and tightens his grip on the cable.

This is it. I’m going to die. I’m going to choke on his cock.

Euphoria floods my senses, and the edges of my vision turn black. For a moment, I stop being that lonely, rejected recluse and become a vessel for Xero’s pleasure.

With each failed attempt to breathe, I sink deeper into a state of blissful surrender. I lose track of my past, my previous trauma, my sense of propriety, and focus on the intensity of the present.

I don’t want him to stop.

A twisted part of my psyche really wants to be his little ghost.

“Fuck, I’m going to come,” he says with a moan.

Hot cum hits the back of my throat, floods my mouth and pours down my chin. He pulls out and spurts all over my face.

I gasp for air, taking in noisy gulps, coughing, spluttering, struggling to catch my breath. No amount I inhale can extinguish the fire in my lungs. Xero continues spraying my face with cum. It’s in my eyes, up my nostrils, in my fucking ears.

“Look at me, little ghost,” he says.

I shake my head. “Can’t.”

Chuckling, he releases the cable around my neck and wipesmy face with a towel. Still panting and gagging, I crack open an eye. Xero smirks down at me, his eyes still glinting with malice.

“Are we even yet?” I rasp.

“Not even close,” he snarls. “This is only the start of my revenge. But first, we need to deal with the men who want you dead.”


Alderney State Penitentiary,

Dear Amethyst,

I can’t thank you enough for accepting my proposal. You have made me the happiest man in existence. I swear on my soul to be as gentle as you need and respect every one of your boundaries.

You are my salvation, my guiding light. I hold you and your dignity in the highest esteem.

The warden gave me a final warning about the contents of my correspondence and played a clip of you reading my letter out on social media. I confess to being so awestruck by your radiance and confidence that I could barely concentrate on your words.

My lawyer checked what I wrote and assured me that it contains no libel, hate speech, or incitements of others to violence, but the warden is willing to withdraw the conjugal visit if I step out of line.

It appears that the First Amendment doesn’t apply in New Alderney.

They don’t like the think pieces my letters inspire about the American judiciary system, nor do they appreciate the outpouring of stories from former inmates and those with relatives behind bars.

For the sake of our love, I implore you not to read out the contents of this letter until after my execution.

I’ve mailed my mother’s locket and would be honored if you would wear it when we next meet. As you know, it’s the only thing I retained of her before she died. Please pair it with the black bodice I bought from your Wonderland wish list and lace stockings.

Don’t worry about rings. I will supply two platinum bands. Let me take what might be this last chance to thank you for entering my life. Your love is the essence that flows through my veins, that makes my heart beat. Thanks to you, I can finally connect with my humanity.

To my fans, I say thank you for your love and support. Knowing that you’ve all donated to my funeral expenses has filled my heart to bursting.

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