Page 112 of I Will Break You

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“I see.” He rolls my nipples between his fingers. “And what’s this?”

My pussy clenches. “Lust is one of the seven deadly sins.”

“Is that so?” he murmurs into the juncture of my shoulder.

I lean to the side, crane my neck, and turn around to check that it’s really Xero. Cold blue eyes stare out at me from chiseled features framed with platinum blond hair.

“Take it off,” I say.

He raises his brows.

“I want to see your true face.

Xero, or the demon wearing his visage, sighs. “You’re alive, Amethyst. And so am I.”

“Then how did I survive those men?”

“I disabled them.”

My tongue darts out to lick my lips. “Who were they?”

“That’s what I want to know.”

“Do you really live in the cupboard under my stairs?” I ask.

“More or less,” he replies with a deep chuckle.

“How? Last time I looked under there, it contained cleaning equipment and junk.”

“Then we did a good job disguising the work.”

I want to ask what the hell that means, but I’m sure there are more pressing matters. Such as what Xero is doing with his hands. They slide down my belly and between my legs.

His fingers circle my clit, and I flinch.

“Tender?” he asks.

“Some psychopath chased me through a graveyard and fucked me in the dirt,” I say. “And you lied about the size of your cock. It’s bigger than the dildo.”

He huffs. “The silicone must have shrunk during the drying process.”

My thighs part, allowing him to rub gentle circles on my clit. Maybe another orgasm will blow out the cobwebs in my brain. If we’re both alive, then it means I’m housing a potential fugitive, and I might be in trouble with whoever’s connected to the quartet of men Xero disabled.

That’s too far-fetched.

This is probably my introduction to hell. Something long and hard and thick presses into my pussy, but I dare not look down in case it’s his forked tail.

Shit. I’d better enjoy this last taste of pleasure before he moves onto the punishment.

Xero’s lips pepper the column of my neck with soft kisses, and the hand not teasing my clit pinches my nipple to the point of pain. My hips jerk forward, and my pussy tightens, eager for more.

This is insane. I should be investigating what’s really happening, but instead, I’m reveling in the ministrations of this beautiful monster. Sensations gather in my core, building up with intensity as his fingers continue those maddening circles around my clit.

Steam rises from the water’s surface, thickening the air. I moan, my face heating. I glance between my thighs to find Xero’s pierced erection and wrap my fingers around its crown.

He groans. “Dirty girl wants my cock.”

“Yeah.” I rub the pad of my thumb over its slit, making him shiver.

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