Page 98 of The Blood Witch

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He knew it was too good to be true. Knew it was too much to hope that things would just… work out. He should have known whatever moment they’d had together, whatever that feeding had meant, Alastair would run from it. The fucking coward.

With a snarl that had the other employees backing quickly away Jasper stalked forward, taking the stairs to the upper level two at a time. Alastair stood next to the VIP bar, a sharp grin on his face as he chatted with Ferus. And he looked so damned relaxed, so damned at ease…

“What thefuck, Alastair,” Jasper shouted as he advanced. The Vampire turned with a casual grace, eyebrow raised and a drink in his hand. At his side, leaning against the bar, Ferus straightened to his fullheight as though preparing for violence. Jasper didn’t miss the way the other wolf sniffed the air between them and tensed.

Yeah, there was no question that they could smell Fey on him. All around the place, the other wolves were pausing in the middle of their tasks, turning toward him.

And Alastair.

“Am I fired or not?” Jasper asked, baring his teeth as he stalked toward his boss. “Make up your fucking mind!”

He must be going crazy. There was no way Alastair was smirking at him right now. No way he looked this fuckingamused.

“Ferus,” Alastair said calmly, turning to smile at the Wolf next to him. “Have you fired Jasper and not told me?”

“No boss,” Ferus grunted. His eyes were narrowed and locked on Jasper, clearly expecting trouble.

Jasper gave the other Wolf a low growl, warning him to back off. Ferus didn’t so much as blink.

“Then explain why I’m not on the schedule tonight. Explain to me why I have to hear from Mara that my shift was given to Sid.” Jasper gestured toward the Wolf, who was currently pretending to wash a glass behind the bar.

Not looking up, Sid polished the glass a little faster.

Alastair’s lips quirked up a little more. He turned toward Ferus again. “Ferus, would you?—”

The words were cut off as Jasper shoved him, forcing Alastair backward a step. Ferus immediately moved forward with an angry grunt, but Alastair just shook his head slowly. Reluctantly, Ferus backed down, eyes on Jasper.

“I’m not talking to him. I’m talking to you, asshole!” Jasper shouted.

“And I told you yesterday, Ferus is the one in charge of your employment now, puppy. So, if you have a question about?—”

“This is because of Fey, isn’t it? You jealous motherfucker, this is because she came to see me today, isn’t it?”

There was no pretending they weren’t paying attention anymore. Every employee in the building was watching them both. They weren’t even bothering to hide it.

He was increasingly aware of how much he must smell like her. Maybe like both of them. But right now, he didn’t fucking care.

Alastair exhaled slowly, raising his hand and running it through his hair. He was so calm, so fucking collected…

Jasper shoved him again, ignoring Ferus as he tensed to intervene. Alastair barely moved from the impact. His drink didn’t even spill.

“Or is this because of us?” Jasper asked, closing the distance between them. “One fucking kiss and you’re running scared.”

Behind the bar, Sid made a choking sound somewhere between a cough and a laugh. Ferus did a small double take between the two of them.

“Two,” Alastair said with a slight grin.

“Fucking coward.” Jasper showed his teeth, ready to fight. “Fire me, then. Fight me, fuck me, whichever, but make up your fucking mind.”

Someone, somewhere, laughed nervously. Mara, Jasper thought. He didn’t give a shit, let them hear it. He was done pretending, done drowning the truth in alcohol. He’d gotten a taste—one glorious fucking taste—of what it would be like to be with them, either of them, and there was no turning back now. He wasn’t going to back down.

“Jasper,” Alastair said, exasperated. He spoke in a calm, measured voice, ignoring the growl rising in Jasper’s throat. “Where did you leave your phone?”

Jasper’s growl sputtered and died.

That… wasn’t the response he’d expected.

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