Page 39 of The Blood Witch

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Jasper ignored him to dip his finger in the pot of sauce. Popping it directly into his mouth, he hummed in appreciation. With an irritated grunt, Alastair swatted at him again, but Jasper just danced away, licking his fingers and chuckling.

Alastair bared his fangs at him as Fey laughed, her eyes sparkling. Then, dropping his voice to a low murmur, he asked, “Was the robe your idea, puppy?”

Jasper’s only answer was a wicked grin.

“I like it,” Alastair said. His eyes moved over Fey where she sat, taking in every inch of her. The robe was so big on her it barely stayed closed where he had cinched it shut. Where the fabric met in a deep V, the curves of her breasts were clearly visible, and the fabric shifted a little lower every time she moved.

“I thought you would,” Jasper admitted, smirking at the heated look in Alastair’s eyes.

“Sit,” Alastair ordered, motioning to the kitchen bar. He reached for a glass of wine, taking a deep drink of it before handing Jasper an open bottle of beer.

“Yes, boss,” Jasper grinned cheekily, taking the beer and sliding onto the seat next to Fey.

This was heaven, too. Jasper’s heart felt light in his chest as he watched Alastair cook. By the time he dished up their food, all three of them were relaxed and chatting. Fey told them both about her day of training, filling them in on meaningless gossip about her students. Before long, Alastair and Jasper were talking about the club and some of the newer employees, and Fey’s eyelids were clearly growing heavy.

The third time Fey’s head drooped toward the table, forcing her to jerk herself back up, Alastair finally gave in.

“Alright, Witchling,” he said, setting his unfinished wine on the table and standing. “No falling asleep in your dinner. Come on, let’s get you to bed.”

Fey pulled a face, propping her face up in her hand. “That’s a really rude thing to say to me on my birthday.”

Jasper barked a laugh, but Alastair only rolled his eyes, coming behind her and lifting her from her seat. She flashed Jasper a small smile as Alastair led her back to the bedroom.

He tried not to acknowledge the feeling in his chest as he watched them go. Tried to pretend it was like every other time he’d been a third in this situation, every other time it had gotten to the point in the evening where he should gracefully make his exit and let them return to their lives together.

Without him.

Swallowing, Jasper started gathering up the dishes. This was nice, he told himself, stacking the dishes in the sink. This had been just what he’d needed. A way to scratch an itch. And it doesn’t have to be anything more than just this, more than just one night. It doesn’t.

It doesn’t.

Grinding his teeth together, Jasper flicked the water on and grabbed a sponge. He poured soap into the sink and started washing up, focusing on scrubbing sauce from the dishes with just a little more focus than was necessary.

He lost himself in the task, so consumed by it he didn’t notice Alastair return until a dark voice spoke directly at his shoulder, making him jump.

“What are you doing, puppy?” Alastair asked.

Jasper glanced to his side where Alastair leaned against the counter,assessing him. He was still wearing only a pair of slacks, and they hung low on his hips. Distractingly low.

“Just washing up, boss,” Jasper answered, painting a grin on his face. Alastair raised an eyebrow, plucking his wineglass from the counter and draining it. “I’m almost done, then I’ll be on my way.”

The eyebrow rose even further. “Oh no,” Alastair said, curling his lip. “Our agreement was for one night. And it is…” Alastair looked pointedly at the clock on the wall. “A quarter past one. That is notone night.”

Jasper’s brain stuttered.

“You want me to stay?” he asked, certain he misunderstood.

“I don’t want to be responsible for telling Fey that her birthday present cut and run the moment she fell asleep,” Alastair answered.

He set his empty wineglass on the bar top and walked back toward the bedroom, calling over his shoulder. “Come on, puppy. You can sleep at the foot of the bed like a good dog, can’t you?”

Grinning, Jasper dried his hands and followed.

Chapter 15


She had to hand it to Jayce—he’d come through for her this time. Vee looked around at the boxes stacked on the clubhouse rooftop and smiled.

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