Page 37 of The Blood Witch

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“What do you need from us?” Alastair asked, leaning closer to plant a soft kiss on her lips. Jasper took the opportunity to lick that perfect spot on her neck again.

“I’m starving,” she answered, wriggling between them.

Laughing, Alastair rolled away, sliding off the bed and stretching his arms over his head. Jasper watched, lips against Fey’s skin, as the Vampire stalked across the bedroom to grab his discarded pants. He pulled them up over his hips, not bothering with any other clothing.

“I’ll get started on dinner,” Alastair promised her, and his eyes flickered to Jasper’s. “Maybe you’d like to have a shower?”

“I’m on it,” Jasper grunted, and before Fey could protest, he scooped her up in his arms, cradling her against his body and swinging his legs off the bed.

“I can shower on my own,” she grumbled.

“But where’s the fun in that?” Jasper asked her, smirking as he carried her through the bedroom and into the bathroom.

Goddess save him, it felt good to hold her like this. Unwilling to put her down even for a moment, he maneuvered her until he could hold her with one arm and turn on the shower.

Alastair’s shower was overly complicated, and Jasper almost lost his patience more than once as he tried the various knobs until he finally managed to get all three shower heads running. Trust Alastair to overcomplicate a damned shower. He cradled Fey away from the water’sspray until he got the right temperature, then gingerly set her down on her feet under the stream and stepped into the shower behind her.

Under the heat of the shower, her body relaxed, and she tipped her head back with a quiet moan as the water cascaded over her. Jasper’s cock twitched to life in response.

Not now, he thought, glaring down at his body. This part wasn’t about sex, this was aftercare. This was making sure Fey felt taken care of. Felt loved.

Speaking of… Jasper reached around her and opened a bottle of soap from the marble shelf.

He flipped the lid open and sniffed it, immediately pulling a face.No, not that one. Putting it back, he reached for another.

Yes. This one smelled like her, like jasmine and just a hint of something else, something floral. Honeysuckle?

Pouring a generous amount in his palm, Jasper set the bottle back down and stepped closer to Fey. He lathered the soap in his hands, before gently reaching out to scrub her.

“I can wash myself, you know,” she told him, but there was no heat to the words, and she didn’t stop him as he rubbed the soap over her skin, using it to help massage the muscles in her arms.

“And deprive me of this? You wouldn’t be that cruel,” he said, playfully.

“Then you don’t know me at all,” she answered. “I’m always cruel.”

Jasper snorted.

He washed her carefully, sliding his hands from her arms to her sides and down her stomach. His cock gave another twitch as he lathered her breasts and grew painfully hard when her breath hitched in response. But he kept his touch professional, even when he got to his knees to wash her legs, fingers slipping delicately between her thighs and ass cheeks to wash away the remnants of their fun together.

When he was done, he rinsed her under the shower spray, washing all the soap away, and smiled at how languid and relaxed she was from his touch.

She stopped him when he reached for the shampoo bottle, though.

“It’s not my wash day,” she said, opening her eye only a fraction to scowl at him.

Jasper scowled back.

“Fine,” he said, leaving the shampoo where it was and coming to stand in front of her. It always shocked him how small she was. He towered above her, her eyes barely reaching his collar bone. Incredible that someone so small could hold so much power.

Bringing his hands up to cup her face, he said, “Lean back.”

“Why?” Fey asked, instantly suspicious.

Jasper bared his teeth. This would be easier if she were a Wolf. Then he could just nip her, take a bite of that delicious spot at the back of her neck and force her to submit. “Oil collects at the scalp when you don’t wash it every day. Lean back and let me at least rinse it.”

Still scowling, Fey did as she was told, tilting her head back into the spray and letting him run his fingers through her hair.

Truthfully, her hair was fine, but he wasn’t ready for this to be over yet, wasn’t ready to stop touching her. And he’d use any excuse for a little extra time to enjoy this moment.

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