Page 128 of The Blood Witch

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“Alastair had nothing to do with this. With any of this,” she insisted. “He has nothing against the council.”

The members of the council exchanged heavy glances.

“Alice, look at me,” Fey said, desperately. She didn’t.

“Alice, look at me.” This time, Alice did glance up. Those warm, soft eyes weren’t so soft anymore.

“You’re making a mistake,” Fey said. Fear gripped her throat, poisoning her words. When Alice had accused her, she’d been furious. But accusing Alastair? Her heart raced with panic. Something white hot and unstoppable rising inside of her.

Fey didn’t need blood magic to take this city to its knees. And she would. If they threatened him, if they made one move to hurt her Alastair?

Power crackled at her fingertips atthe thought.

Fey took a breath, letting her rage burn through her, letting it build. “He didn’t do this,” she said in a voice full of violence. “And if any of you try to?—”

Fey stopped. The world stopped.

The air seemed to shift around the room. It crackled with energy for a single second, little more than the space of a heartbeat. They felt it, too, the members of the council. Everything stilled.

And just like that, the feeling was gone. Vanished.

A moment later, the world went black as night.

Chapter 58


Panic swelled in Fey’s chest as the world around her went completely, impossibly dark. The throne room, the council members, they all disappeared in an instant, swallowed by an unbearable blanket of darkness.

Is this it? Fey thought, twisting to look around frantically and seeing nothing but solid, black void around her.Am I being controlled?

Panic filled her. Coming here was a mistake, a terrible mistake, Fey realized suddenly. All she and Alice had done was manage to give the Blood Witch access to one of the strongest weapons in the realm. If the Witch could use Fey’s powers against the council…

Her sister. Alice was in danger. Callum,Callumwas in danger. If she were being controlled, she wouldn’t be able to protect them, wouldn’t be able to save them…

From herself. From her own power.

But… no. The world was black, Fey realized, but not empty. Somewhere in the dark, she heard Sana gasp in shock. She heard Alice swear. There were sounds around her, distant and muffled, but still there. The crash of a chair falling over as someone stood too fast. Their frantic intakes of breath.

Not controlled, no. They were still there, all of them, still in the throne room. She could feel the ground beneath her feet. Her body was her own, her mind was her own.

So where had all the light gone?

A low, dangerous laugh came from the darkness around her, and Fey felt the blood in her veins turn to ice.

“Oh, you stupid, stupid thing,” came a soft, sensual voice. Bitter laughter followed the words. It was everywhere in the dark, swirling all around her, coming from all directions. It echoed in the empty void around her.

No. Not empty.

Full of shadows.

Kallista, Fey realized, heart pounding. The taste of fear was bitter on her tongue.

“Did you really think you could controlme?” the Demon was saying, and suddenly there was something more in the darkness around them, something dangerous. Something ancient and wild.

Something undying.

The shadows were alive. Full of something awful and vicious and hungry.

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