Page 123 of The Blood Witch

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Vivian popped the last piece of cookie in her mouth and patted his arm consolingly. She gave him a crooked smile, so like her mother’s. “Don’t worry about me, Uncle Jasper… I’ve never been better.”

Chapter 55


The sudden knock on the door was so loud and so forceful, Fey almost went to grab her blades.

It was early. Early enough the sun hadn’t risen, so when the knocking woke Fey up and she sat up swearing, Alastair was still next to her, awake, reading in bed.

“Who the fuck is that?” he asked, as though she had any more idea than he did.

“I’ve got it,” Fey told him, throwing the covers off herself and getting to her feet. She grabbed a robe on the way, tying it around her waist.

Whoever it was better have a damn good reason for getting her up, Fey thought angrily, as she unlatched the door and opened it.

It was Alice. Alice, standing at her door, fist raised to knock again. Alice, who stared at her with so many emotions flickering over her face that Fey couldn’t focus on any singular one.

“Have you been here all night?” Alice asked, voice too hurried, too frantic.

Fey’s lip curled. “What in the fuck is that supposed to mean?”

“Just—” Alice took a deep, shuddering breath, as though to calmherself. “Just, please, Fey. Answer me. Have you been here all night? Since the sun went down? Here, and nowhere else?”

Fey mentally retraced her steps before nodding.

“Yeah,” she said. “I’ve been here since… two this afternoon, or thereabouts. So, all day, all evening, all night. What is this, Alice? What is this about?”

A small look of relief passed over Alice’s face. She stepped inside, and Fey closed the door behind her.

“And the Vamp?” Alice was asking, looking around. “He’s been here too?”

“That Vamp has a name,” Alastair reminded her, coming out of the bedroom and glaring at her. “So lovely of you to stop by, Alice. Now kindly fuck off.”

“I’m not asking you, I’m asking her,” Alice snapped. She turned back to Fey. “He’s been here with you all night? All evening? He can verify that you’ve been here?”

Anger filled Fey’s voice as she answered. “Yes, Alice. He has been here, with me, all night.”

Alice nodded, almost absently. “Good,” she murmured. Her hands came up to hold her arms, hugging herself tightly. “That’s good.”

“Alice, what the fuck is—” Fey had taken a step toward her sister but was stopped. Alastair was there, suddenly, between the two of them, his outreached hand blocking her from moving forward another step.

“She smells like blood, Fey,” he told her, his voice a dangerous warning. “Someone else’s blood.”

“I need to ask you something, babe, and I need you to be completely honest with me, okay?” Alice looked almost crazed, eyes frantic. Fey had never seen her like this.

Fey had never seen any Blade like this.

She pushed Alastair’s hand aside and stepped closer to her sister.

“Fine. Complete honesty.” Fey promised. She crossed her arms over her chest. “And then I want the same from you.”

“Tell me you can’t use the fifth element,” Alice said, taking a step toward her. “I need to hear you say it, Fey. Please.”

Alastair’s temper frayed even further. “Alice, what the fuck?—”

“Swear it to me, Fey!” Alice insisted, ignoring Alastair entirely.

“I can’t do Blood Magic, Alice,” Fey answered in a dark voice.

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