Page 62 of Breakneck Hockey

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Halfway through the second period, I’ve caught the same blood lust that Sutter has. I take it all back. I’m not doing shit with Sutter. He’s riding my ass so hard this game, no need to do it again later. God. What are they doing to them in Boston? Mega doses of steroids? He’s faster and I swear to fuck he’s bigger, even though it’s only been a few weeks since I last saw him.

I can’t get a hold on the puck. Every time it touches my stick, Sutter’s there to slam me into the boards. It pisses me off. The next time he does it, I turn with a nice cross-check across the chest I hope the ref doesn’t see. Sutter pushes back and I almost trip.


Gloves are off and we circle. I look for the right opening and swing. He sways to the side andcrack. His knuckles connect to my face. I answer back with a right hook and then another, until I’m sure he’ll have a black eye.

The refs finally pull us off each other and we’re sent to the box. I seethe through the glass, and he laughs like I’m nothing.

Vancouver loses by a goal, and I’m so pissed I contemplate going back on our deal for real. I’m definitely not messaging him, but I get a message from him as I’m leaving the showers.

Top Dog

We have to be discreet. Meet me here, and I’ll explain when I see you.

He sends an address to a hotel. That works for me too, so I don’t ask questions. I shouldn’t go after his fucking cheap shot on the ice. But who am I kidding? This only ends one way.

I’ve barely knocked on the door, and he yanks me inside, tossing me behind him, slamming the door, and spying out the peephole. Satisfied, he locks the door—including the door chain lock—and focuses his attention on me.

He stares as if he’s seeing me for the first time, as if we didn’t try to pound each other’s faces in only an hour ago. He’s got a red bandana tied around his dark hockey flow and he’s wearingboots and jeans. Sutter pulls me to him by the waistband of my sweats, and the oaky scent of leather from his jacket coats me with familiarity.

His lips crash to mine, devouring them as if he’s been craving me, hasn’t been able to breathe without me, can’t live another second if he doesn’t have me in his arms. It’s a nice delusion. He’s probably just fucking horny. I give it right back to him, weaving my desire with hot anger. The way we left things in Vancouver was shit. He was pissed at me, and I hated him for rejecting me when I’d made myself so vulnerable. I’m still mad, but I use it as fuel.

Sutter pulls away, rubbing a thumb over my bottom lip. “That’s the stuff.”

“Not a martini, Sutter. Tell me why I had to meet you here instead of your place.”

“Patience, kitten. Get naked. I won; I get you how I want you.”

Chapter 11

Mac ’N’ Cheese Poutine


Iwanted to kill him on the ice as much as he wanted to kill me. But all that fire and pent-up rage congeals when we’re together, making liquid lava, threatening to burn me alive. My lips touched his and it was over. I plop into the wide sofa chair so I can watch him undress.

“Tell me you’re not gonna sit there and watch like I’m your paid whore.”

“No one’s confusing a lippy shit like you for a whore. A whore would do what they’re told. Get to undressing, Alderchuck.”

He mutters a bunch of curses in my name, but I know he finds a bit of humiliation talk hot. His cock is rock solid, happily bouncing out of his boxers, and I get a nice visual of him in the buck, his curls tumbling over the front of his left shoulder.

“What now?”

“Get your ass over here?” I pat my thigh for good measure.

“You’re really testing my patience, Sutter.”

“As if you have any.”

He smirks. “Nope.” Casey runs and catapults into my lap, straddling my tired thighs, his knees depressing the cushion beneath us.

I take my fill, drinking in the hard lines of his body, ghosting my fingers over his abs, reacquainting myself. I don’t know how he eats as much sugar and Kraft Dinner as he does and keeps a body like this.

“This is gettin’ weird. What’s up with you?”

What’s up with me is Nicci got into my head. I’m actually fucking considering telling Alderchuck something. A small thing. But I’m at war with myself. Now, I’m making it weird. I grab his cock, he gasps.

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