Page 88 of Ice Dance Hockey

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Rhett’s lips crush mine and I melt. How does he do this to me? It’s just a kiss, but it’s captured me. Something hits my belly. Is that his…? Yeah, it’s his cock. It’s large like he is. My hips move, thrusting into him. He jolts, moaning into my mouth.

I brave the waters, knowing I could get pulled under by my own uncontrollable lust, but fuck it. I want him. I let my palm glide down the front of his covered cock.

“That’s for you. It’s the only cock you should be thinking about,” he says, thrusting against my hand.

It’s too easy for him to stand with me in his arms, mouth attached to mine, swinging me around until I’m flush with a wall. Air is in short supply, but who cares? We can suffocate together—he’d better not stop kissing me. All we can hope for are sips of oxygen that we suck between mauling each other.

My body bounces in his arms as he takes the first step, but then he secures his hold, continuing down the hall. A gasp leaves my lungs and a whine leaves my mouth as I hit the downy bedding.

Am I on Rhett’s bed? “Rhett?—”

“Not so confident now, are we?” he says, raising a cocky brow. He’s one to talk. Rhett cycles between real confidence and plain arrogance. I hate him when he’s arrogant, but his confidence? I’ll never be able to resist it.

I also know when he’s full of shit. He’s trying to goad me, but it won’t scare me, just piss me off. I sit up and rip my shirt off, calling his bluff. Then I let my hands run over my naked skin, twisting my nipple. He swallows, following the pathway of my hand.

“Scott and I are going to have so much fun, especially when I let him?—”

Heavy weight cages me on the bed and his damn cologne swamps my senses. But he’s also got a scent that’s just him—Rhett—and it’s mixed with rainwater, giving off Vancouver-brand petrichor. His hazel eyes smolder.

“Is Mr. I’m Better Than Everybody worried?” I taunt. “Shouldn’t you be droning on about how you’ll win me using another barbaric hockey analogy?”

Plump lips find the sensitive skin of my bare collarbone. He kisses and sucks his way to the shell of my ear, and sinful tingles wave over my body. Perfect teeth tug on my bottom lip.

“You’re right where you belong, in my bed, desperate for me. Not too worried, Lo.” A sly curl of a smile graces his lips. “Let’s see if Scott can get you into his. Of course, he’ll have to go through me first.”

“Arrogant son of a bitch.” He is, and yet I still don’t want him off me. I want skin—our skin— sliding together. “Take your shirt off, Elkington.”

He leans back, peeling the silk from his impeccable body, slowly revealing his sculpted lines. Rhett’s got a healthy smattering of hair over his chest, and I want to run my hand through it. I want to mar his perfect skin with more “Logan was here” landmarks. I want to ruin him so that everyone knows he’s mine.

“What’s that angry face all about?” he says, leaning over top of me, rubbing my nose with his and making it hard to stay mad at him.

“A lady in the coffee shop was eye-fucking you.”

“Guess you’d better sit in my lap next time.”

He rolls beside me, pulling me on top of him. His warm skin heats mine. We breathe in sync, and I close my eyes without falling asleep, nestling my hand in his patch of dark chest hair.

“I still hate you, gorilla.”

He kisses the top of my head. “I know.”

* * *

“I’m going to need food before my blood sugar dips too low. Time to take me home.”

He gets up. “I’ll make you a protein shake. It will be within your preferred dietary preferences,” he says before I can argue.

“Am I a hostage now?”

“I did abduct you from your home after all. Here.” He tosses me one of his sweatshirts. I’m going to drown in this. “I’d better not catch you in another man’s clothes again.”

I roll my eyes, following him into the kitchen and don’t mention that I never said I was his so he should cease with the caveman behavior.

But I kinda like the caveman behavior.

I sit at one of the tall chairs at the bar-top counter while he gathers the ingredients and whips out the Vita-Mix. He’s still shirtless and I get to watch his muscles flex as he whips together a smoothie that turns green as it whirs and tastes like banana and vanilla.

“Wow, I like this.”

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