Page 118 of Ice Dance Hockey

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Even I can admit that this place is a tad ridiculous. It could be a resort. Lo and I get our own suite on the third floor, overlooking the ocean. We arrived late last night and opted to sleep with the doors open so we could hear the waves crashing all night.

“Okay, I can’t resist this place. I’m in love,” Logan says. “It smells fucking good here and it’s relaxing.”

He’s taking eight days off ice training, which is a big deal. We’ll still hit the gym together, but I’m going to make sure he has a true break. He’ll leave here with a tan.

“Is this one of the places you own real estate?”

“Do you want me to?”

I know that he does. He looks away, pretending not to have heard my question.

“I have a couple of condos that I rent out, but nothing as extravagant as this. I’ve been waiting to buy something for myself. Tell me what you like while you’re here. I’ll buy something for next summer and then we can stay on our own without my parents around.”

I wrap my large body around him from behind as he fiddles with the coffee machine. “So, we’ll be together next summer, eh? Bold of you to assume. Hands off me until I’m caffeinated, hockey gorilla.”

My response is my nose in his neck where he’s ticklish. I get what I wanted, a laugh and a sharp intake of breath. For some reason, he’s still trying to make coffee.

“Your parents could come up here,” he says, but he doesn’t actively fend me off. He leans his head back against my shoulder and the coffee is almost forgotten.

“They won’t. Leave that. I’ll buy you coffee.” My dick strains against his clothed ass.

He lets go of the pot in the brew station and angles his lips toward mine.

Elkington shoots, he scores!

Spinning him around until he’s away from the countertops that hinder my plans, I wrap one of his sleek legs around mine.

Sharp teeth sink into my bottom lip and the coppery taste of blood pools in my mouth. “Ow!”

“Coffee, Rhett. Then we can play with each other’s dicks. Wasn’t this morning enough?”

Waking up to my dick being stroked by his nimble hand was only the warm up. I pout my bleeding lip at him. “No.”

He laughs. “Adorable, but I’m not budging on this one. You’ve never seen me coffee deprived. I sting.”

My tongue catches the blood threatening to drip off my teeth. What a fascinating creature he is. I’ve never let anyone behave this way with me, but with him, I only fall more. I grip his hand and drag him back to the coffee pot where I press “start” so that I can continue to convince him that I’m better than coffee while it brews.

“Thought you were buying me one.”

“You’re too dangerous to take out into the public without your first dose.”

“Oh shit,” he says, pulling a vibrating phone from his pocket. “I’d better take this. Scott.”

“I thought we didn’t like Scott anymore?”

“Must have missed that board meeting,” he says, ignoring my clear protest. Nothing Scott-related should be allowed on this trip.

He disappears into the bedroom, which I like even less. I know I’m supposed to give him privacy. He’s already lectured me about that. I hate privacy when it comes to him. I’m a jealous tyrant and want to know every word he says to everyone.

The coffee is slowly filling the pot, its alluring scent fills the kitchen and mixes with the floral Hawaiian air. I pull out a couple of mugs. He won’t eat any of the fresh baked goods that our suite has been stocked with, so I plate a cinnamon bun for myself—with visions of him licking cream cheese icing from my lips—and check on the coffee again. Yeah. Still brewing.

He’s still gone.

If I were a “friend” wanting to steal a man from his boyfriend, I’d call him with a fake emergency on his holiday. I trust Logan completely, but I don’t trust Scott.

My large feet take me to our bedroom door unbidden. In my defense, I’ve given him five whole minutes of privacy.

Logan’s laugh belts out from behind the door, which is slightly ajar. “He did not tell you that, Scott.”

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