Page 55 of The Queen's Knights

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“Fuck yes. Squirt your delicious cum all over me. God, I want to fuckingbathein you,” Lance says, his words prolonging my rapture. He grunts and slams into me hard, coming again in tight spasms.

A breathy cry sounds, and I meet Kat’s gaze again as she brings herself to orgasm, her triumphant smile saying everything about how tonight has gone for the both of us.

Through my blissed-out daze, I’m dimly aware of applause. I sit up and smile at the crowd as they pass with the rotation of our platform. Percy reconfigures my throne into its original position, and Kat and I both adjust our gowns, putting ourselves somewhat back together. She’s flushed from the fun, and her men look like they’re ready for round two.

“I think you guys need to take a bow,” I say, halting the rotation of the platform when we face the window again. The four of them oblige, stepping to the front as if it’s a stage and linking hands. They take a bow, and Kat and I both ogle their firm asses.

“I think this is going to be the start of a long and beautiful friendship,” Kat says, then raises her hand up, palm facing me.

I high-five her with a laugh. “I agree.”



We all becomeveryfamiliar with each other over the next couple hours, exhausting ourselves trying out all the new configurations the thrones can handle with six enthusiastic participants. By the end of our performance window, we’ve sufficiently broken the ice, but not a whole lot of conversation happens while we’re playing.

Afterward, we clean up and spend the rest of the evening as guests watching the other exhibitions. I’m standing with the others outside another room on the second floor, watching a Dom play with a submissive who’s bound inside a machine that looks like it came out of a science fiction novel, when someone taps me on the shoulder. I turn to see Olivia with a pleasant smile on her face.

“Mistress Chloe needs a moment with you,” she murmurs. Gwen grabs Percy and we step away from the crowd.

“What does she need, Olivia?” Gwen asks.

“She didn’t elaborate when she called up, just asked if I could send you down.”

Stomach knotted with dread, I look at Gwen and Percy, but neither of them seem ready to offer any insight.

“We’ll all go,” Gwen says. “Whatever she needs to say to you, she can say to us too.”

The three of us step into the elevator, but despite their comforting presence, my overactive imagination goes wild over all the possibilities. Did I break some rule I didn’t know about? Should I have signed the contract before diving into the whole experience?

I know the other three are new to the club; maybe it’s related to what we did with them. But the six of us established several unspoken rules on the fly, one of which was that no one should fuck someone outside their trio. Tongues and fingers were fair game, just no dicks going in holes below the waist.

That still left loads of fun to be had, and I learned more about sex tonight than I’ve learned my entire life before meeting Gwen and Percy. But the fact that everyone ended the scene more than happy with the outcome means I’m at a loss as to why the boss has summoned me.

We reach Chloe’s door, and Percy leans in to knock. I hear low voices in conversation just beyond before Chloe calls out, “Come in.”

But the other voice I hear is as familiar to me as my own, and the sound of it makes my stomach drop through the floor.

I grab the doorknob and twist, holding my breath as I push the door open.

Ambrose sits on the sofa in the comfortable seating area near the door and stands when we enter. He’s in jeans and a button-down, so I know he’s not here in an official capacity, but I still have no cluewhyhe’s here. He clears his throat, glances at Chloe, then back at me.

I pull off my mask, and we stare at each other for several heartbeats.

“Uh, someone please say something,” Percy says.

Chloe and Gwen just look on with amusement.

I cough into my hand. “So, ah, what brings you here, brother?” I ask, feigning innocence.

Ambrose narrows his eyes. “In case you forgot, the three of you were part of a sexual assault investigation that came to a head earlier tonight. I’ve been calling you, Lance. You weren’t picking up. I had no goddamn clue what happened. Maybe that asshole had friends he sent after the three of you.”

My eyes widen. “You tracked my phone, didn’t you?”

He nods and crosses his arm. “I’d ask you to explain, but Ms. Whitewood filled me in on everything I need to know.”

“Tonight’s only the second time I’ve been here,” I say defensively.

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