Page 48 of The Queen's Knights

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“You sure I have to have this meeting? She looks like she just wants to talk to Gwen.”

We’re several paces behind the two women when we enter the house. I’m too distracted with the prospect of this interview I’m supposed to have with Chloe to really marvel at the decor. I just have the general sense that it’s a fucking nice house. I’m also grateful there aren’t too many people here—just a handful relaxing in a sitting room near the front. They afford us only passing glances.

Gwen and Chloe continue down a wide corridor, then pause at a turn. Gwen looks back and smiles at me and Percy. “I’m going to head up and get ready. I’ll meet you two up there after Lance’s interview. The masquerade doesn’t officially begin until ten, so we have time”

Her smile softens when she sees me, and she steps close, placing a palm against my cheek. “You’ll do great,” she says, pressing a gentle kiss against my mouth. Then she turns and hits a button beside a door, and I realize there’s an actual elevator when it opens to reveal the small interior. Gwen blows another kiss to me and Percy just before the doors close.

“Follow me, Mr. Lacosta. I have several questions to ask you, as well as some papers for you to sign.” Chloe squeezes my forearm and turns, continuing down the hall to another door near the end.

“I hope I have the right answers,” I say, wishing my nerves would settle down.

She leads me into a large office with a fireplace and gestures to one of a pair of chairs facing it. Between them is a bottle of wine, two glasses, a sheaf of paper, and a pen.

I stare at the seat, hoping the act of sitting doesn’t wake my dick up again, because I really don’t want to pop wood in front of this woman, sex club owner or not.

“Would you prefer if Percy waits in another room, or would you like him with you?”

“Uh, he’s fine, I guess,” I say, glancing back at him. “I mean, he knows all my secrets already.”

Percy nods and moves to another corner of the room where there’s a small sitting area with a sofa and coffee table. “I’ll be here when you’re ready.”

I exhale and carefully sit. Chloe offers me wine, which I accept, grateful for a little alcohol to dull the edge of my anxiety.

“First, I don’t bite,” Chloe says. “Think of me as a mother hen. I consider everyone who enters those doors family, whether they’re my employees or paying members of the club. Despite the fact you broke our rules on your first visit, I believe in giving you a chance to redeem yourself.”

“I apologize for that,” I say, “but I don’t regret it.”

“Thankfully neither do Percy or Gwen, which is why you’re here now. Before we begin, I need you to sign this. It’s a standard NDA, but it protects us both. What happens in Whitewood stays in Whitewood. Once you sign, I will explain how things work and what will be expected of you. You’ll fill out this questionnaire about your preferences.” She lifts the top sheet to reveal a several-page questionnaire. “Then, if you agree to the terms, you can sign this.”

She flips the pages over, revealing something that looks like the first page of an employment contract.

“Of course,” she continues, “you may have as much time as you need to read over it and consider the offer. Consider tonight’s masquerade a gift.”

“Sounds good,” I say, stomach in knots. I scan the NDA to make sure there’s nothing hinky about it, but it all looks above-board. I need to do my due diligence despite every cell in my body ready to dive in. I want this, so I doubt anything would keep me from saying yes.

But I already fucked up once, so I’m determined to followallthe rules to the letter to make sure I’m allowed to stay. I sign the NDA, then hang on every word of Chloe’s lengthy lecture on Whitewood rules and expectations.

The questionnaire is a more extensive list of kinks and limits than those Gwen and Percy introduced me to during our first weekend together. After I complete it, she reviews my answers and follows up with a series of very personal questions. Thankfully she only scratches the surface of my childhood trauma.

By the time we finish, I’m relaxed and buzzed from the wine, my thoughts periodically shifting to Gwen and what she’s up to. I accept the contract and stow it in my inside jacket pocket, promising to give it a thorough read soon.

When I stand, Percy is already at the door waiting for me, his face now covered in a bejeweled mask of deep green. He hands me my own mask, which is a black one similar to the one I stole that first night, only more ornate, with embroidered scrollwork amid the onyx gemstones.

I put it on as we emerge into the hallway. When the door closes behind us, I heave a breath. Percy starts back down the hall to the elevator, which arrives moments after he presses the button.

“That wasn’t so bad, was it?” he asks when we step inside.

“No, but I still feel like I went through the wringer.”

“It’s worth every second. The contract is more than fair, by the way. I understand wanting to take your time to read it, though.”

“Honestly, I’d probably sign anything to get to come here for the foreseeable future, but I’d be a failure of a wannabe lawyer if I didn’t at least read the thing. I’d have done it in there, but I don’t want to wait any longer to get into that room with you two.”

“Understandable. Are you ready?”

“I’ve been ready all fucking day,” I say, grinning at him when the elevator doors open on the second floor.

We exit to a familiar sight: a pretty girl wearing a striped satin corset and a bright smile behind the ribbon counter.

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