Page 43 of Sinful Corruption

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“Uh-huh.” I push off the bed, leaving my untouched bags where I left them on the floor, and stalking past a grinning Felix until he’s forced to close his arms and accept that we’re not hugging. “I’m hanging up. Check in every hour. It’s not even six there, and I know you’re going to work late, so make sure you’re sending those rocks. Don’t get shot.”

“Won’t get shot,” he repeats with a smile. “Promise. Enjoy your dinner. Don’t be too mean to Tiia and Christabelle.”

“Why on earth would I be mean to them? I don’t even know them.”

“Because they’ve gone ahead and fallen in love with men you consider insane. That disdain typically folds into the words you speak out loud. And if your words don’t do it, your expressions will. The fact they’ve shacked up with Micah and Lix…”

“Stupid of them,” I scoff. “Falling for a Malone. Have they no common sense?”

The joke is on me, considering I’m the only fool wearing a wedding ring.

“I won’t be mean. Follow up the snitch thing. Have I made my wishes clear on the other stuff?”

“Check in every hour. Send rocks. Text me when you’re done with dinner. If I catch a minute, I’ll call and talk with you till you’re asleep.”

The chance of me sleeping before he’s finished with hisobservation missionis so low, it’s sitting in Felix’s basement. But I don’t tell my cop that. He needs to focus while he’s in the field. “I’ll let you know when I’m done eating. I love you.”

He breathes a happy sigh, smiling. “Love you too. Ineverthought I’d say this, but have fun on your date with Felix Malone.” He mock gags, choking on the sound and turning my stomach with it. “Jesus, I’m breaking out in a sweat over here just thinking about it. Wasn’t so long ago, that was literally my worst fear. Now I’m just letting it happen.”

I turn at the top of the stairs and start down. “You’ve become soft, Detective. I’m disgusted.”

“Never soft when you’re around. Send me a picture of your tits.”

“Good lord.” I drag the phone from my ear and end our call before my husband reverts completely back to New York Malone, then I purse my lips when Felix falls into step on my right.

“Is he panicking yet?”

“Yep.” I glance across and meet glittering emerald eyes. “Good to see you haven’t changed one bit, Felix. Kidnap anyone else between me and Debbie?”

“Nope. I save my best moves for the classy ladies.” He beams because, at the bottom of the stairs, Christabelle Cannon herself—a.k.a. Debbie—waits, with firmed lips and an expression that says she ain’t playing. But the gleam in her eyes speaks of love. It speaks of complete and utter devotion.

“Doctor Mayet.” She doesn’t offer a hand when I come off the last step and pause in front of her. Not because she’s rude, but simply because she knows I don’t want to be touched. “Welcome to our home. I’m disappointed, for your sake, that you’re here. Last I heard, you wished to stay on Fifth Avenue.”

“Yes, well…” I continue toward the dining room, gratified when she falls into step beside me and Felix is relegated to the back. “I certainly made my wishes clear on the matter. The fact that I’m here despite that is… sadly, not a surprise.”

She lifts her chin when Tiia pokes her head into the hall and backs up a little when our eyes meet. She’s newer. Shy, even, I suppose.

Though I don’t feel that’s her personality, in general. This is a case specific nervousness that seemingly applies only to me.


“You’ve met Tiia.” Debbie makes the introduction anyway, forcing the sheepish woman back into the hall and her lovely amber eyes to flick between mine. “Tiia Hale, Doctor Mayet.”

I don’t offer my hand. She doesn’t expect one. It’s a copacetic relationship I feel we’ll all establish in due time. “You can call me Minka. No need for the doctor unless I’m plugging a wound, saving your life, or stripping you down for an autopsy, though by that point, you won’t be talking at all.”

“The saving my life thing,” Christabelle smirks. “You’ve done that for me. Not the stripping part, luckily.”

“The former, less mature version of me would make a comment about that scenario.” Felix lobs his arm over Christabelle’s shoulder and tugs her in till she crashes against his chest. “You and Mayet, undressing each other…”

“Yeah sure,” she drawls. “I’m so glad you’ve matured.” She tips her chintoward the dining room. “Should we eat? I hate to sound rude, but it’s nine o’clock and my stomach is rumbling.”

“Suits me.” I look Tiia up and down as she turns on her heels. She wears sweatpants too, the slouchy, too-big kind that probably belong to Micah. But it’s hardly a surprise she’d prefer those over jeans, what with the bullet she had in her belly not so long ago. “How’re you healing up? You’re still walking with a hunch.”

“I think that’s something I’ve trained myself to do.” Deliberately, she straightens her spine and extends what would have been an insanely painful scar out until the skin likely stretches and the muscles behind it groan. But unless she wants to walk with a hunch for the rest of her life, she’s best to fix her posture now, while she’s young and fit. “It doesn’t hurt so much anymore.”

“It’s closed, right?”

“Yeah. Now I have what looks like a second belly button. My hip hurts more than anything else. But it’s all coming along good, and Micah makes me do those stretches every damn day like the doctor ordered.”

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