Page 135 of Not Until Her

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“Mywifeisn’t going anywhere without me,” Kara shouts. Her mom winces when she says it, and that makes Kara smile for the first time since we walked in. “That’s what she is, and will continue to be. We’re married, and you can deal with it or not. I don’t care. You should be grateful I even decided to tell you!”

Colleen clasps her hands together in front of her, and quickly slips on a mask of poise and calm. It gives me whiplash, it’s so sudden. No wonder she’s successful at what she does, she canact. Well.

“I wish you hadn’t,” she says with false sweetness. “I wish I had no idea that my daughter decided to make a mockery of marriage by playing house with some random woman. Don’t come crying to me when you have two divorces under your belt, because I won’t be acknowledging that this one exists.”

It’s rich coming from someone that’s in the midst of a divorce.

Kara stands abruptly, and I follow suit, almost falling off the seat in the process. Thankfully, she’s there with a steadying hand on my arm.

Steadyingme,when I should be doing that for her.

She’s needed it her entire life, and never had anyone to hold her up.

I promise in that moment, even stronger than I did the day we got married, to make sure she feels it for the rest of her life.

“I don’t have to acknowledge you exist at all, thanks for the ammunition to finally let me take that step,” Kara says, mocking Colleen’s previous tone.

Her mother doesn’t respond, turning away from us towards a large staircase behind her. Seeming unbothered, or like it’s a relief to hear those words.

“You shouldn’t have been allowed to be a parent,” I call after her. “You have no idea what an incredible person she became without any of your help, but Iwantyou to know. I want it to haunt you.”

I swear I see her steps falter for a fraction of a second, but I don’t care. I lace my fingers with Kara’s and we head out together. She’ll have my parents now too, and they’re going to love her enough to make Colleen a distant memory.


Iknock on Autumn’s door with a gentle hand, not knowing if I should be disappointed or relieved that Miles’ car isn’t in their driveway.

Autumn opens it slowly, and in her arms is a swaddled bundle. Baby boy is fast asleep, and she sways in place to keep it that way.

“Hey, babe,” I say with a newfound shyness.


She’s not happy to see me, that much is clear.

I blow out a steadying breath, and twist the ring on my finger. It’s a habit I’ve picked up doing a lot lately, especially when I’m nervous. Even though I couldn’t be more nervous right now, I force myself to drop my hands to my sides. It might be kind of a rude reminder, given the situation. I should’ve taken it off before coming here, but yet again, I didn’t think that through.

“I’m sorry it’s her. I know that must be so hard on you, but we really do have something special. It was never—“

“Okay, stop.” She puts her free hand out to emphasize her words. “That’s what you’re apologizing for?”

I look around like I’ll find something to clear up my confusion, but there’s nothing.


Autumn shakes her head, and I’m in shock that she manages to look so disappointed. It’s not something I’ve ever really seen on her, and definitely not directed at me.

“It was never about it being Kara. I’m upset that I have to even explain that.” I widen my eyes in an impatient attempt at encouraging her to keep talking. “Don’t you know that I get that part? Wanting to be with someone even if the people around you won’t be happy about it? Doesn't that sound familiar?” She pauses as if waiting for me to confirm, but I have a feeling it’s rhetorical.

“My first thought wasn’t that you betrayed me by being with her, it was that you told menothing,” she explains. Her voice cracks on the last word.

My face falls. My stomach twists into a knot.

“That’s what hurt. I’d understand if you needed time to process, to think of what to say to me. It’s a lot. I’d understand if I’d found out months ago, but what am I supposed to think now? You snuck around. I talked to Vic, I know you wanted her to keep quiet, and not just for a couple days or a couple weeks. I’ve been cut out of your life formonths.Think about the fit you’d be throwing if I had a secret relationship I didn’t tell you about for so long.” She shakes her head, looking so defeated that it physically hurts. “And then gotmarried. Imagine if I gotmarriedand didn’t tell you? You would never forgive me.”

“Autumn, I…”

Words fail me. She’s somewhat wrong, and somewhat right. I can’t even believe how backwards I had it. I was so focused onwho Kara was to Autumn, that I barely gave the other details a passing thought.

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