Page 118 of Not Until Her

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“No, but you can.”

“It’s all watered down by now, I’ll pass.”

She surprises me by patting my cheek. As simply as the action is, I find myself blushing.

“Sunshine’s too good for a little water in her soda? Poor thing.”

I roll my eyes, but there’s a smile on my face.

“No, thank you.” Kara’s words are followed by her fakest smile.


“I have to pee,” Kara grumbles.

“Do you want me to go with you?”

She tilts her head to give me one of my favorite glares.

“I think I can handle it on my own. Why anyone wants an escort to listen to them pee is beyond me.”

I chuckle.

“Got it, grumpy.”

She leans in close to my ear as she stands.

“You better tell me if that pesky blonde tries anything while I’m gone.”

Something about that demandreallydoes it for me.

“I think I like you all possessive.”

She shakes her head, like she can’t believe how ridiculous I am, but I don’t miss the smirk she can’t keep off her face.

To no surprise, Bailey pops up in front of me the second Kara walks away.

“Is she your girlfriend?”

I don’t miss the irritated way she says the last word.

“Yeah,” I say, trying to keep my voice casual.

Except I realize once it leaves my mouth that it’s not totally the truth, and can’t decide if I should correct myself. I don’t really get to decide, because Bailey sees something on my face that makes her huff a laugh.

“Are you non-exclusive or something?”

“Or something,” I answer with a tight lipped smile.

“And you hate that,” she observes.

“It isn’t really your business, Bailey.”

“It could be. You could come back without her sometime, take out your frustrations.”

She has the gall to wink at me, and I want to toss my drink on her face.

Thankfully, I’m above petty fights.

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