Page 71 of Years Between You

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"We just got here," he says as a greeting.

I can't hear Amelia on the other end due to all of the chatter going on around us.

"Autumn." Pause. "What for?" Pause. Another eye roll.

Why is that so adorable?

Again, someone should tell this man.

"Fine, I'll be right there."

"Everything okay?"

He sighs. "Yep. She needs me in the back room… alone. Are you okay here for a minute?"

I shrug, because I don’t think the answer is yes, but it doesn’t look like I have a choice.

I assume it comes off casually enough because his palm slides down my arm and he gives my hand the smallest squeeze.

"I'll be right back, I promise."

I thought I’d have more than sixty seconds to prepare before we were separated, and as soon as he’s gone it’s obvious that I wasnotprepared.

I have no idea where my desk ended up, because there aren't any in the room right now. If it was, that would be exactly where I'd run to hide. I don't see another option. I don’t even see Kaitlyn or hear her bubbly voice anywhere.

I just stand here and hope I don't look as uncomfortable as I am.

I’ve never done well in big crowds, but I feel even worse being around Amelia’s clients. I’ve already overheard a conversation about dragging her on a plane to visit someone’s second home. I am so out of place. I obviously have no reason to join any of theseconversations, and no one is trying to include me. The few that I recognize haven’t even made eye contact.

My hands are already starting to shake and it makes me think I would like my odds better outside, despite the cold. Another couple minutes of this, and an anxiety attack will be crashing this party.

I cross my arms in an attempt to shield myself in some way. It only makes me more self-conscious to think I might look like I'm the awkward, grumpy teenager I try so hard not to be anymore. Moments like right now make me wonder if I’ll always be that girl, if there’s no escaping it.

I’m aiming for the door before I even realize I’m moving. I have to get out of here before these walls close in on me. Fresh air, freezing or not, will be better than that.

I attempt to step around a tight ring of people, when the sound of the back door alerts me. I've heard it so many times, it sticks out even behind all the noise. I stop and look up, noticing Miles and Amelia making their way back out. There are others back there too from what I can see. Amelia must not have had a choice but to use all the space this place has got.

One other person follows closely after Miles, watching him in a way that irritates me. She’s pretty, probably around my age. Her short blonde hair is sleek and straight, looking like it belongs in a hair care commercial. Amelia turns back to the girl, touching her arm in a way that encourages her to move forward with them.

Right. By. Miles’. Side.

As if she already knew exactly where I was standing, Amelia lifts her gaze and it immediately locks onto me. The smile on her face feels malicious, and I have a feeling I know why she changed her mind about inviting me.

The girl is visibly happy about her place next to him. He glances down at her, saying something that makes her smile, butthen my view is blocked by an older couple that stops them to chat.

Nothing like setting your son up in front of the girl you want him to stay away from to get what you want. I’m torn up even more about that night with Ben, because if Miles was as jealous then as I am right now…


The room is getting warmer by the second, and I think the walls are in the lead as far as who’s moving the fastest. My feet thankfully do their job, and get me moving in the direction of the door. I try to stick to the outskirts of the room, but there are so many people standing against the walls.

I say, “excuse me,” an obnoxious amount of times, not making any eye contact when I do.

Right as getting to the door seems within reach, there’s another set of feet directly in my way. I move to step around them, but a hand is gently placed on my shoulder to stop me.

“Where are you going?” His voice is like a magic wand, easing some of the panic and allowing me to take a much needed deep breath. When I look up to meet his eyes, it’s like I’m put back together for a split second.

As much as I wish he was a complete magical cure, it’sonlya split second.

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