Page 42 of Years Between You

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I almost start to explain myself some more, but instead I get in his way and pull the whole frame down. Maybe it’s an overreaction, but now seems like as great a time as any.

The frame is heavier than I remember and starts to slip out of my grasp for a second before Miles' hand is there assisting me.


I settle for placing it on the floor against the wall for now. It'll work as a reminder for me to replace that picture sooner rather than later.

He gives me a look I can’t decipher and moves on to my bookshelf, reading the titles as if he hasn’t seen them before.

“Alright, I give. Which one should I read?”

I squeal and hop to him so fast, I almost trip over the frame. He’s laughing and shaking his head as I do.

“Oh my gosh, so much pressure,” I groan. “How do you feel about fantasy? Dragons?”

I pull the first book in one of my favorite series off the shelf. “It’s better to go in blind, but know that it’s heavy on the romance. Hope that’s not a deal-breaker.”

“Not a problem at all,” he tells me as he turns the book over to read the back.

I lightly swat at his hand. “That’s not going in blind!”

He just laughs as he lowers the book. “What about yours?” he asks while directing his attention back to the shelves. “It’s got to be on here somewhere, right?”

My eyes try to pop out of my skull with the look I give him.

“I don’t think you’ll like it,” I say, trying to quickly diverge from that idea.

“Why’s that? Not enough faith in your own work?” He continues, still searching. “You’d think it would be on one of these top shelves…”

“It’s probably not your thing. It’s pretty cheesy.”

“I like cheese. Despite what I may have led you to believe, I do watch the occasional romcom. Wait a minute.” He stops, turning to me with squinted eyes. “You don’t use a pen name, do you?”

Save me now, this man is too smart for his own good.

“Maybe,” I admit. It’s not too different from my actual name, and won’t take him long—

“Ah, here we go!” His smile is victorious as he pulls my book off the shelf. He takes one look at the cover and says, “Yep, this is the one I’m borrowing. You don’t mind, right?” I know it’s a question that my answer will not affect. Even if I said no and snatched it out of his hands, he could find a way. He could pull out his phone and order it now that he has the title.

“The occasional romcom, really? Of your own volition?”

He gives me a knowing look. I’m not going to distract him that easily.

With a roll of my eyes, I accept defeat.

“You can read the book, but just know I’m not happy about it.”

And I don’t think you will be either.

“Why?” he asks with a laugh. “Why can everyone else in the world read it, but you don’t want me to?”

“It’s a little embarrassing,” I admit.

A lotembarrassing.

“How so?”

There is no way I’m explaining that to him out loud. Not when there’s a chance he might not pick up on it, or he’ll give up after a couple of pages. A girl can hope, right?

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