Page 32 of Years Between You

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He laughs loudly at that, and it feels out of place in the quiet office. I remember who else is in the room and glance over at his mom. My stomach drops when my eyes lock onto her glare.

Her tight expression falls quickly when Miles begins to walk over to her. The insincere smile is back, and I’m curious if he sees it for what it is, too.

“Can I steal her for a lunch break?” he asks her. “I have to be at work in thirty.”

I try to ignore my body’s reaction to his question. I don’t think I should be flattered by this drop by, assuming there’s a less flattering reason. He looks happy to see me, but that doesn’t mean he’sflirtingwith me, right? It doesn’t mean he enjoyed himself last night and wants to kiss me again or anything.


Amelia quickly stands and gives him an apologetic frown. “I’m sorry honey, I have a lunch appointment I need to leave for.” She looks to me. “You’ll be alright until Kaitlyn gets back?”

Not only do I have her calendar right in front of my face and there are no appointments today, but I don’t even officially work here yet. If Kaitlyn is gone longer than five minutes I amgoingto panic. I’m way under qualified to be left alone after only a couple hours of training.

I smile regardless, my people pleasing tendencies taking the reins.

“Yeah, I should be fine,” I lie.

At least I know how to take a message if the phone rings.

She nods in thanks. “I’ll walk you out, Miles.”

He doesn’t protest and I don’t show either of them just how much she’s unsettled me in only a few seconds.

“Thanks again,” I call out to him before they reach the door.

“Anytime,” comes his response.

He doesn’t look back at me, and I think it has to do with the tight grip his mother has on his arm.


By the time Amelia comes back to the office, I’ve already taken a little lunch break,andgone through every single profile in the system. There are so many of them, and each one inspired me more than the last. Maybe the main character in my next bookwill be an interior designer. If this works out, I’ll have plenty of time and inspiration to make that happen.

I’m thinking only of that, andnother reaction earlier when she leans against my desk next to me and smiles. I still don’t buy it.

“How has it been?”

“Great. Much easier than my last office job,” I tell her truthfully.

“I’m glad to hear that. We can nail down your schedule before you leave today, if you feel like you want to do this.”

I’m so appreciative of having a choice that I can’t mask my enthusiasm. “I do, definitely. Thank you for giving me a chance to feel it out first.”

“Of course. I was happy to.” As paranoid as I am that this woman is holding the past against me, I believe her. Maybe I’ve let my overthinking get the best of me. Wouldn’t be the first time.

“I have to ask,” she adds, but pauses briefly. “Well, I have to ask if you and Miles are…” Her sentence trails off as if she wants me to fill in the blank. I stiffen in my chair, guessing that our interactiondidseem odd to her.

I don’t fill in the blank, I just look at her as I wait for her to find the words.

“Are the two of you together?” she finally asks.

I quickly shake my head. “No, we aren’t.”

I’m glad that was the question she chose so I didn’t have to lie.

I try not to feel offended when she breathes a sigh of relief. It's no use.

“Good. It’s nothing against you,” she clarifies, putting a hand on my shoulder. Something tells me that’s not fully the truth, but I refrain from reacting. “My family is going through a lot right now. I’m sure you know his divorce hasn’t been finalized for very long. I worry about him so much, and I just want him to take time to do things for himself.”

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