Page 29 of Years Between You

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I unsuccessfully work at these boots for long enough that Miles goes to the bathroom, washes his hands, and comes back to find that I’ve made zero progress. He doesn’t hide the smirk from his face when he takes in the pathetic sight in front of him. He might be too nice to outright make fun of me, but the smirk gives away his urge.

“Do you need some help?” he asks with a hint of laughter in his voice.

I drop my hands and sigh defeatedly. “I sure do.”

My breath hitches for a reason I can’t identify as he lowers down on the floor in front of me. It takes him way less time to tackle the laces, and I find myself a little stunned. Iknowit shouldn’t be impressive, but he’s basically my hero right now. Who knows how long I would’ve been sitting here if it weren’t for him?

Plus, he just looks sogooddoing it. That stray curl that likes to fall onto his forehead is doing its job, and his brown eyes are slightly scrunched in concentration. I don’t realize how hard I’m staring until he looks up and his smooth voice snaps me out of it.

“All done.”

“Thank you.” I’m surprised when my words come out as more than a squeak.

“No problem,” he replies. He doesn’t back away despite being done, and it feels intimate. He’s close enough that leaning a couple inches forward would have us kissing.

Just the passing thought of it makes the air between us feel electrically charged.

I think I must be imagining that his focus drops down to my mouth. Imustbe delusional to think I’m not the only one having a moment here.

A chill runs down my spine in a way that isn’t uncomfortable, but thrilling. Like I’m sitting at the top of a rollercoaster, waiting for the drop to happen.

I try to reign in my thoughts. Try to figure out if I’m seeing what I want to see through my current haze. He doesn’t move an inch while I silently assess every detail of his face. He doesn’t say a word.

That probably tells me enough.

I’m not sure what to do with my conclusion, but there’s no doubt that something burning in his expression makes me feel desired. I don’t even care that it’s likely because we’re both drunk, I want tosoak it up. I want to stay right here on this end of that look for as long as possible.

We both slightly lean into each other. I don’t know if he even realizes he’s doing it until one of his hands raises to the side of my face. The other steadies himself on the floor, and I like the idea of him bracing for something. For me.

Instinctively, my hand clutches onto his bicep. It’s my way of bracing forhimwhile also living my fantasy from earlier this evening.

He nods his head in a way that seems to be asking permission as his thumb brushes my cheek. I can feel his breath on my face, and I am so tempted that it feels like a knife in my side. It’s sharp, and sobering, and it makes me want to feel that breath in other places.

I can’t respond with words, nothing would come out if I tried. Instead, I close the short distance and softly press my lips to his.

My action flips a switch instantly, and he doesn’t hesitate to kiss me back harder. His full lips roughly capture mine, and the hunger I feel from him makes my chest catch fire. His hand slides back into my hair, his grip tightens and makes me feel brave enough to let my tongue trace his bottom lip. He lets out a small, appreciative groan that quickly spreads the flames lower.

He still tastes like our cherry slushies, and I can’t get enough. It tastes better on his tongue than it did in my cup.

With hands that are gentle and somehow possessive, Miles leans me back without breaking our kiss. Before I know it, I’m lying on my back with his body covering mine.

I feel his hard length against me and my heart rate spikes. Every thought that might have remained in my head is gone, but my body moves on instinct and my hips lift to move against his. Maybe it’s too presumptuous of a move, but I don’t have time to care because he pushes back against me.

I feel his moan more than I hear it, and I echo the sound. A little too loud maybe, but I’m unable to care. Nothing exists outside of how good this feels.

Neither of us can seem to get enough of this moment or each other, our tongues continue to explore, and our mouths don’t stray. Not even as his hand slides down, over my breast, and to the bottom of my shirt, before it slips underneath.

I’m a panting mess when skin meets skin, and I have to pull back in order to take a proper breath. He mercifully trails his lips down, along my jaw, to the sensitive line of my neck. I’m shivering with need when his hand, now resting over my rib cage, slips under my bra and his thumb grazes the pebbled skin underneath.

“Fuck,” I whisper, almost inaudibly. I know he hears it when a chuckle shakes his chest.

I closed my eyes at some point, and our gazes lock onto each other when I open them. I don't know what it is about it that brings me back down to earth, but it does.

I’m suddenly completely aware that this is a terrible idea.

With his intense attention on me, I scoot backwards a microscopic amount and let out a nervous giggle. He doesn’t move for a few seconds of hesitation, looking as worked up as I feel. Eventually he sighs, giving me his usual, charming grin, and slowly shuffles back.

I hate the absence of his body heat.

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