Page 24 of Years Between You

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“Then I’ll leave you to prepare for the chaos.”

“Wish me luck,” he says with a sigh. He doesn’t seem genuinely upset, just like he has to give his mom a hard time. “Do you want to come over later and see the finished result? You can finally meet this guy, too.” He flips the phone camera towards a pile of brown and white fur bundled up on the ground by his feet.

“Sounds like a plan.”

The promise of seeing Miles gets more exciting every time it happens.

Freddy is an absolute angel that instantly adores me. I must say, the feeling is mutual when I sit down on the couch and he rests his head on my leg. I’m convinced I’ll never move from this exact spot. Not until he does first, anyway.

Miles approaches with an extra drink in hand for me and shakes his head like he can’t believe his eyes. Apparently theattention I’m receiving is a rare occurrence. I soak it up, enjoying feeling special.

His house is gorgeous, and has a yard to match. It’s not too far away from town, but enough that the surrounding area is lightly wooded. I’m captivated by the log cabin exterior, and how you’d never guess how modern everything looks on the inside.

It doesn’t seem like Amelia changed too much, though I’m sure there’s plenty I didn’t spot on our video call earlier. There’s a couple of new rugs, some shiny bar stools in his kitchen. Simple things that do a lot for all of the open space.

He hands me a controller and starts up a video game I’d pointed out on a poster. Something I used to play when I had less going on.

I give him a giddy smile.

We talk while we play, or should I say, while he kicks my ass. I ask about his job, his favorite residents. He asks about when I started taking my writing seriously, and what my goals are. I don’t know that I’ve ever felt so comfortable around anyone before.

When we’re over the game, because winning must getsoboring for him, we switch to some show we’ve both seen. Another thing we just end up talking over.

“Do you need water or anything?” he asks as he stands. It makes me stop and realize how the time has gotten away from me. My phone tells me it’s not late, just after seven.

My growling stomach reminds me I haven’t had anything to eat in hours.

“Water would be great. Do you have any popcorn?”

“Do you want some real food?”

I nod eagerly and enjoy his responding laugh. He pulls his phone out of his pocket and opens something I can’t see before he hands it to me.

I have never felt so grateful for food delivery apps.

It’s too warm when I wake up, and the first thing I notice is that I don’t even have a blanket over me.


The second thing I notice as I start to sit up is that there’s an arm around me, and my head rests on a hard chest.

My entire body locks up in a panic. I have no memory of how I ended up in this position, but we must have fallen asleep after we ate dinner. We definitely didn’t make the decision to cuddle while conscious.

Miles has one hand against my back, his other on my hip. I want to groan with embarrassment as I realize how completely draped over him I am. Fully pressed up against his body with a leg over his waist.

His breathing is slow and steady, so I’m fairly certain he’s still asleep. I might as well stay put, and let him come to the same conclusion when he wakes up. Despite the heat radiating from his body, heisrather comfortable.

I carefully relax back into him, closing the centimeters I’d put between us. Holding back a contented sigh, I let the feel of his hard muscles overwhelm me. If it were anyone else, I wouldn’t be sure I could fall asleep like this. I usually need my space to sprawl out, and stay cool.

Miles is different. Making me feel comfortable is a special ability of his.

That is until I hear himsigh, and feel his fingertips trace up my back and over my shoulder.

I try not to stiffen. I try not to alert him that I’m awake.

I fail.

“Is it too warm in here?” he whispers. “I can turn on the air.”

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