Page 112 of Years Between You

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“How did he ask you out?”

She plays with the sleeves on her noticeably frayed jacket, and I have so many more questions.

“Um,” she gulps, clearly thinking hard about her answer. Shouldn’t that be an easy one? “He asked me at lunch.”

“That’s boring,” I say, giving him a disappointed look.

“Whatever. Is dinner almost done?”

“Does it look like I have eyes on the kitchen?”

He rolls his eyes, and I roll mine right back. Fucking teenagers.

Speaking of fucking…“You guys aren’t having sex yet, are you?”

Her face turns the brightest shade of red a person could be, it’s enough to make me feel slightly bad for asking the question so bluntly. Until I look back at my brother to see him roll his eyes yet again.

“Why would I tell you that?”

“You tell me everything.” Or at least he used to. Another thing that’s changed recently and I’m hoping it’s only a phase. I liked being the big brother he could ask for anything. “So?”

“No, jackass. Shut up.”

“Let me know when you’re ready for that conversation. I’ll save you from listening to mom’s version. It’s not great.” I wish I had another option at the time.

“I don’t need that conversation from either of you.”

I reach across the table and mess up his overly styled hair faster than he can duck away. “Not an option, buddy.”

“You’re such a dick.”

“Watch that mouth, Justin Thomas. I hope you don’t always speak like that in front of your girlfriend.” Mom is carrying a big pot of pasta, using oven mitts to carefully set it on the kitchen table between us.

“I don’t,” he says defensively. “Do I, Autumn?”

Right. Autumn. That’s her name.

Instead of agreeing with him, she shrugs her shoulders. Her face grows red all over again knowing our eyes are on her. I start digging into the food, serving myself with a big spoon and practically drooling over the creamy alfredo sauce that mom makes from scratch. I don’t always love her cooking, but I’ll definitely miss this one when I move out someday.

My mom swats at my arm. “Don’t be rude, let our guest grab her food first.”

Autumn shakes her head, and I swear she’s suddenly about to burst into tears.

“I can’t,” she clears her throat. “I'm lactose intolerant.” The words come out so quiet I hope my mom can hear her so she doesn’t have to repeat herself. She sounds so sad. I don’t think she should feel embarrassed, but I can feel it radiating off of her in a way that’s almost contagious.

That fucking sucks.

“Oh, I forgot. I’m sorry babe.” Justin doesn’t look very sorry when he proceeds to serve himself, not even glancing in her direction.

It’s my mother’s turn to look horrified.

“Oh, no! That won’t do, let me see what else I have. You have to have—”

Autumn shakes her head again. “No, it’s totally fine. I’m not really hungry, I can get something later.”

My mother isn’t having that. “You came over here to eat, let me figure something out.” She starts to stand, and Justin stops her.

“She said it’s fine. Why are you getting up?”

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