Page 109 of Years Between You

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“Poop bags.”

This is why I have a cat.




It’s colder than usual this morning, and I take a second to simply feel sorry for myself as I watch my breath cloud in front of my face. Freddy is the epitome of patience, gazing up at me with big brown eyes. If I had to be stuck with walking a dog, I’m glad it’s this one.

At least that’s what I’m thinking until two minutes later when I have to pick up warm shit off the cold sidewalk. It’s literally steaming.

Litter boxes are so much easier to deal with.

“Good morning!”

I glance up to see Wyatt, looking significantly less miserable than I feel. He’s sitting out on his porch, with a mug in his hand.

“Merry Christmas!” I call back, trying to sound like I’m not in pain.

“You guys doing anything fun today?”

I don’t know if fun is the word, the reminder fills me with nervous energy. In a few hours I’ll be sitting at a table with twopeople that genuinely terrify me. Amelia, slightly less so, now that she was able to explain her end of things. As for Justin, he’s unpredictable. It still sucks to think of him, and the way he so carelessly hurt me. As if I wasn't alone enough, he had to make sure his mom shut me out, too. He was such an asshole.

Miles said he calmed down since the night he saw us, but I’ll have to see it for myself beforeIcan calm down.

“Dinner with his family. What about you?”

“Two dinners with two families.” He nods towards his front door. “Lacey and I have been meaning to get together with you two again. We were thinking about going for a walk around the neighborhood tonight, to check out all of the lights. You should come!”

If that’s not the most adorable thing I’ve ever heard.

“Sounds lovely, but Miles isn’t going to be doing much walking for a bit.”

I tell him about the slip, and the boot, and he looks genuinely devastated to hear it.

“Is he doing alright?”

“I’d say so, considering he’s the one still passed out in a warm bed.” I lift the leash.

Wyatt laughs. “Maybe we can make it a drive then. He’s got my number.”

“Sounds like a good—” I’m interrupted by Freddy’s second poop. Right on the edge of Wyatt’s perfectly manicured lawn. “I’m so sorry.”

There are few things in life more humiliating than knowing someone is watching you pick up shit. I try not to gag, to look like I do this all the time, but laughter fills my ears again. Full, hearty laughter that makes me wonder if he’s ever had a dog before.

“Don’t sweat it. It’s good for the grass.”

Once I’ve got the second bag tied, and my disgust under control, I wave at him.

“Well, I hope you two have a great day!”

“You too, Autumn. Hope to see you guys later!”

Miles is asleep when we get back, to no surprise. He looks so comfortable, so at peace, despite his injury. I waste no time crawling in next to him, and wrapping my arms around his torso. A pleased sound comes from him as he pulls me in tighter.

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