Page 1 of Years Between You

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Idon't think I've ever found myself this attracted to a complete stranger. Sure, I've noticed small details, a nice smile here or there, but it's never been anything like what I'm experiencing now. I haven't even seen the front of this woman across from me in this grocery store aisle. I haven't seen her face.

And yet I am so drawn in, by her laugh especially. The red dress she’s wearing compliments her curvy figure. Her golden brown hair is long and wavy, falling to the middle of her back.

I stare for as long as I can without her noticing, but maybe it wouldn’t be a bad thing if she did. Luck might be on my side for once, and she'll be available, and even interested. It’s been a few months, but I think I’m prepared for that possibility. I think I could start dating again.

She turns as she talks, holding a phone to her ear. That explains the laughter. If there hadn't been a phone, if she were just laughing at herself, I'm not sure it would've changedanything. She could be completely crazy, it might do my boring life some good.

I’m briefly shown more than the side profile I was admiring before. I caught bright eyes, and pink cheeks covered in freckles. It’s not long before she’s back to the shelf, pulling something off to read the label. A bottle of fancy coffee creamer.

She almost looks familiar, maybe something about her mouth, or her nose, or…

I get another short glimpse, and I force myself to quickly look away.

She actually looks a lot like a girl I used to know. There isnoway it could be her, the resemblance is so small. Maybe she has a sister I never heard about? Although, as I think it, I know how unlikely it is. She would’ve mentioned a sibling at some point, given all the time we spent together.

I risk it and make my way further down the aisle, enough that I can look back and—

It's her.

Somehow, that’sexactlywho I’m looking at. I manage to keep my jaw off of the floor at the realization.

She looksgood. Confident and happy. Such a change from the girl I knew.

She’s definitely not a teenager anymore.

Guilt floods into me for the way I was looking at her a few seconds ago. It’s not going to leave anytime soon either, because I find myself disappointed that she’s not a prospective date.

I’m struggling to match what I’m seeing with the Autumn Owens in my memories. The short, straight, multi-colored strands, and mascara that was always smudged under her eyes. She smiles into the phone, and the dimples it creates are the key piece that have me sure that this isn’t just a lookalike. They didn’t come out often, but I used to feel so relieved when they did. There’s no way I could forget that smile.

She notices me as I’m trying to pinpoint more details, and I blink fast enough that I’m sure I look like a fool. When her eyes widen, I feel like she can see every thought in my brain, every ounce of attraction I’ve been standing here in shock of. She mumbles something and promptly hangs up her call.

I can’t help but wonder if it was a boyfriend on the other end, and want to smack myself at that thought. My head is not in the right place.

Not. A. Prospective. Date.

“Miles?” She smiles wide with perfect, white teeth.

I smile back, trying to appear casual, but I doubt that it works. I have this nervous, buzzing energy from the excitement in her eyes. I like that she looks happy to see me after so long.

“Autumn.” I say it appreciatively, as I close the distance between us. I go in for a hug that’s more of just a friendly pat on the back. “Long time, no see. I almost didn’t recognize you.”

“You’re not kidding.” She laughs a little and it’s still just as pleasant when I'm not straining to hear it from a few feet away. “Did you move out of town or something?”

I’m not surprised why she would think that, given the way the last few years of my life have been. I shake my head.

“Nope. I actually bought a house recently, so I’m staying put for a while.”

As much as I’ve wanted to leave lately.

“Wow, congrats on being a homeowner.” I can see the questions behind her politeness. I’d have questions too about living in the same small town as someone for years and not running into them a single time. “How weird that we haven’t run into each other.”

Yeah. There it is.

She says it in a way that makes me feel like I should give her an explanation. I don’t have it in me to bring up my divorce, or the way my marriage had isolated me.

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