Page 37 of Mourning Wings

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Wereturn to the screens and scan each feed, butIsabeldoesn’t appear.Theimages change rapidly, and still, she’s nowhere to be seen.

“Theymust’ve taken her out of the mansion,”Ispeculate.Then, it hits me. “She’sat the guest house.”

Valerialooks at me, confused.

IrealizeIhad forgotten about my three adoptive brothers:Theodore,Maxwell, andJulian. “Theyprobably took her to the house beyond the forest.We’llfind her once we’re done here.”

Valeriaagrees, and we head back to the double doors.Iglance back at her. “Areyou ready?”

“Yes,” she replies, her voice steady.

Icrack them open and hear the faint murmur of a male voice chanting.

“Fromdarkened depths and sacred fire, we offer blood in deep desire.Spiritsheed and grant us grace as we unveil this sacred place.”

Ashiver runs down my spine, andValeria’seyes widen in alarm.

Weslip into the room quietly.Thankfully, no one notices us, their attention fixed on the ritual.

“Bythis rite, our will is cast.Throughnight and flame, our bond shall last,” the man continues.

Ilean in close toValeria’sear. “Areyou sure you’re okay with this, butterfly?Ifit’s too much—”Shecuts me off.

“No.Ineed to do this.I’llbe fine,Ipromise.”

Inod and signal forValeriato go left whileItake the right.Wepart ways, moving stealthily toward the group.Theman at the altar has his back to us, chanting to something or someone.

“Guideus with your unseen hand as we fulfill this fated stand.”

Igrab one of the men from behind, wrapping my arm around his mouth to muffle his cries and stab him in the neck with my knife.Valeriasneaks up on another, slicing his throat with the sword before he even has a chance to react.

Wecontinue moving through the room, taking down the masked men one by one, our swords glistening with their blood.

Butas the main man completes his chant, someone turns and spots us.

“Intruders!” he shouts.

IgiveValeriaa look, and we both know it’s time to run.Wesprint out of the room, as the remaining men chase us, their weapons clanging as they scramble to catch up.

“Weneed to split up,”Ishout over my shoulder toValeria. “It’sthe only way we’ll make it out.”

Valerianods. “Becareful.”

Irun down a narrow corridor, my breath coming in ragged gasps.Mymind races with potential escape routes, but every door seems locked or blocked.

Meanwhile,IwatchValeriafrom across the hall, darting through the mansion’s maze-like interior and slipping behind a grand mantle.Herhiding spot seems safe, but whenIlook around,Ispot a man approaching her from behind.

Myeyes widen in horror asIrealize what’s about to happen.

Iscan the room for anythingIcan use to helpValeria.Mygaze lands on another man standing a few feet away, his weapon drawn, oblivious to the imminent danger behind him.Quietly,Isneak up on him, my sword gripped tightly.Witha swift movement,Istrike him in the head, the blade slicing through flesh and bone with a sickening crunch.Theman crumples to the floor, andIquickly grab his gun.

Iaim the weapon at the man approachingValeria, and with a steady hand,Ifire.Theshot rings out, echoing through the mansion, and the man falls, a neat hole appearing in his temple.Hedrops forward, collapsing inches fromValeria.

Shecatches sight of the fallen man and muffles a scream, her eyes wide with shock.Shescrambles to her feet, moving out of the way asIrush to her side.

“Areyou okay?”

Tearsspring in her eyes as she nods. “Yes.”

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