Page 7 of Mayhem's Magic

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“Iamalone,” she whispers back, stunning me. How can she hear me? Can she feel me through the veil? “Even if Ifeelyou, I am alone. I am going crazy, I think. It is just me here.”

With a shaking breath, I let the veil drop. Slowly, the shimmering wall between the two of us begins to fade. It is similar to a setting sun or a rising moon. Heat unlike the dark heat in Hades, heat bore of need, fills the room around us.

Still holding my breath, I close my eyes in fear of her reaction. I am huge, larger than most mortal men. My horns are shorter than most Demons, but they add even more height, and I tower over her seated frame. My flesh has long been gray, hot to the touch after my years in Hades, and battered from torture.

There are parts of me that still resembles a man. The muscles I formed working my farm hundreds of years ago remain. My face is much the same, besides the jagged scar down my face. And, cock still hangs heavy between my thighs, and now she watches as it grows hard beneath her hungry gaze.

“Oh...oh my,” she whispers, moving so fast I am stunned. Suddenly she is standing close to me, her soft body pressed right against my hard one. “You’’re just as I thought you would be. How you would look. I dreamt of you after you came to me that first night. You’ve been here before, yes?”

Nodding my head, I raise a hand to touch her face. “Yes, my love. I have been here many times. I came for you. I was told you were in need. I don’t knowwhoorwhattold me, but I came to you as soon as I could. I don’t....”

“Tell me what you are...are you a... monster?”

“Yes. I come from Hades. A Demon from hell. How do you know? How do you feel me and hear me with the veil I put up?”

“I heard it too,” she hums, ignoring my questions. Her hands come to trace my face, sending shocks of pleasure unlike I’ve ever felt before through me My cock grows harder, longer, thicker, as she plays with my horns. “That voice. It said I would not be alone anymore. That you were coming. You came here for me? Left hell for me?”

“Yes, little flame.For you. I will do anything for you. Do I scare you? I could change how I look...”

“No. I love how you look,” she purrs the words softly.

Stepping back, I make sure she has a good view of me. Of the scarred flesh that covers my body. Of the horns and the tail that swings behind me. There is no fear in her beautiful eyes. No, there is in fact just one thing in her eyes.Hunger. For me?

“Monsters turn you on, my love?” I tease gently, nodding at the book she has been reading for days now.

“Yes,” she admits, her fair skin flushing. “I think they do. I thinkyoudo. I’ve felt you.... the other night when I...”

“Yes, I was here watching you pleasure yourself. I joined you because your little sounds, your need, it turned me on. I should not have touched myself before I made sure you got what you needed. I could not help it. I have touched myself every single day since, while I watch you.”

“You have been watching me? I thought so. Why?”

“Because you’re mine to watch, little flame. I will watch you, cater to you, give anything you need, for the rest of time. Unless you demand that I go. I am not sure I could, but if you asked...”

“No! I do not want you to go. Iam notafraid of you. Even if you’re a Demon or monster. You won’t hurt me, will you?”

“No, Cari,” I whisper gently, letting her play with my horns, trace my scars, learn my body beneath gentle hands. “I couldneverhurt you. Iama monster, and Ihavehurt others. Never you. All I want to do is please you. If you would let me.”

“Why have you not...I mean, I have been alone and... I needed you...but you did not come to me. You hid from me.”

“I have hidden, yes. I feared you would not want me. No one has ever wanted me. I could not bear it if you did not want me. I was a coward to hide. I wanted to come to you each night. I could feel that you needed something. That you needed me.”

“How could no one want you? You’re beautiful,” she breathes, pressing her body against mine, moaning when she feels how hard I am between her thighs. “I think so at least. I guess I like my men tall, dark, and a bit scary,” she teases.

For the first time in a lifetime, I laugh. “I suppose I am that. How could you not fear a Demon from hell? How am I blessed enough that you think a monster such as I am, is beautiful?”

“Because I know there is magic in the world,” she whispers, as if we’re sharing a secret. Her hands rub up and down my chest and I am trembling at her familiar touch. I do not scare her. I do not turn her off. She wants me. I can taste it in the air between us. “I think even I have magic inside of me. I believe you were sent to me because I need you. No one else but you.”

Going to my knees, I bow my head to her. “Anything you ask of me, I will do, little flame. Whatever you need, whatever you want, it is my duty to seek it, to provide it, for you.”

“Tell me your name,” she answers, sitting back down so she can cradle my face. I am on fire from her touch, from the way she is so gentle with me.

“They call me Mayhem. I do not recall my name anymore.”

“Mayhem. Do you want me to call you something else?”

Staring up at her, I nod. “I want you to call me yours, Cari.”

Sitting there before her, I am the closest to being a man as I have ever been. My tail swishes behind me as she reaches out, cradling my face again. Lowering close, she touches her nose to mine. I cannot breathe. Can hear just her heart beating. All I can feel is her, her needs, her desires. All things I will cater to.

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