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“Why do I have a feeling I’m not going to like this?”

When he didn’t answer right away, she exhaled. “Just tell me.”

“Chase will be working under me. And living at Shadow Falls.” He set his cup back down. The clank of the white ceramic cup on the table seemed to punctuate his words.

“Well, isn’t that just jim-dandy. Why?” she asked.

“Several reasons.” His eyes tightened. “While I believe Chase when he says he doesn’t know where your uncle is, it certainly couldn’t hurt to keep a close eye on him in case Feng decides to contact him. You have to agree with that.”

Agree with it, yes, but she liked it about as much as she would a punch to the gut. She pulled her cup close, then, almost as if to punish herself, she took a sip.

Damn, it was nasty. She had to work hard not to gag. “What’s the other reason?”

He leaned forward a bit. “Chase infuriates me. He’s arrogant and hardheaded.”

Does he remind you of anyone? Della almost spouted off, but bit it back.

“In spite of being misguided at times, his intentions are good. With some training, he would be a big asset to both the FRU and Shadow Falls.”

Hearing positive things about someone who’d hurt you was like touching a lemon after getting a paper cut. It stung. All the way to the bone.

Burnett cut her a hard stare. “You and Chase, you’ll get along.”

“Oh, sure we will. Like cake and ice cream.” Or fire and gasoline. “Do you know where he is right now?”

Burnett gave her a hard stare. “Don’t think for one minute I’m saying you have to make amends with him. That decision is yours and yours alone. And if he tries to put any pressure on you—in any way—I’ll kick his ass so hard he’ll find himself in France again before he catches his breath.”

“Don’t worry,” Della said. “If he puts any pressure on me, he won’t be breathing.” She stood up. “Is he at Shadow Falls now?”

Burnett frowned. “It’s almost two in the morning. You’re going back to your house. I’ll call tomorrow and speak to your father about you coming back to Shadow Falls. You can interrogate Chase then.”

Chapter Eight

Worry had been eating away at the lining of Chase’s stomach for an hour. He finally dressed and went out for a few laps around the camp. He flew low, ducking in and out of the trees, just trying to spend some of the negative energy flowing through his veins. He wanted to see Burnett return, and make sure Della was okay, before he ran off to interrogate a few scumbags. Yup, Burnett’s little speech had given Chase a few ideas.

Della still hadn’t responded to his text. Not that he was all that sure she would. Something he intended to fix very soon. He wanted to get back to where they were before. When she was happy to see him. When leaning in and stealing a kiss wouldn’t actually put him at risk of losing an eye.

Recalling that kiss, he realized he wanted more. He wanted all of her. He wanted to protect her, to touch her. To have her at his side day and night.

Would it be enough that he’d quit the council and come to work for the FRU? Or would she still be inclined to make him pay for his past mistakes? He hoped like hell she wouldn’t. But knowing Della, forgiveness wouldn’t be handed over too easily.

As he followed the property line, he spotted headlights pulling into the school’s parking lot.

As Lucas stepped out of the car, Chase approached. “Hey.”

“You’re out and about late,” Lucas said.

Chase debated how to play to this, then decided not to play.

“Is Della okay?”

“Yeah, she’s fine.”

“What happened?” Chase asked.

“An elderly couple, neighbors of Della and her parents, were murdered. Della seemed to know and care about them quite a bit.”

“Damn,” Chase said, remembering Della hearing her father’s rude conversation last night and knowing she didn’t need any other crap right now. “Have they caught who did it?”

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