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“Guess who Liam saw earlier today when he was visiting his mother?”

“I have no idea,” Della said.

“Chase. And he asked Liam if we would house sit for him. Of course, we know he’s just being nice and giving us a place to stay. Have you seen his cabin? He could rent it out in a snap.”

“Yeah.” Della remembered the warm interior of leather and wood. The cabin, secluded in the woods, spoke of relaxation. And her cousin was right. Chase could have easily rented it.

She recalled how happy Chase had been when they’d found Natasha and Liam.

It had been less than a month ago, but it felt like forever. She’d been about to give herself to Chase. Damn, she’d been a whisper away from sleeping with the lying vamp.

She moved to the window, where his scent was still lingering.

Liam and Chase talked forever,” Natasha said.

Had Chase had told Liam about the murder case?

“Are you still staying at your parents’?” Natasha asked.


“I’ve been worried. Look, I know about your father being charged with my mother’s murder.”

“Chase told Liam?” Della asked.

“No, Burnett explained it when I asked about you. I can’t imagine how hard that must be.”

Della took a deep breath. “He didn’t kill her.”

“I know. Burnett told us about our other uncle and how you two think he did this. But then Chase told Liam—”

“I don’t care what he said. My dad didn’t kill—”

“Chase doesn’t think your dad did it.”

Della heard the words but couldn’t digest them. “Then why is he protecting a murderer? Why hasn’t he turned in Feng?”

“He said Feng, or Eddie as he calls him, didn’t do it either. But they know who did kill her. And they’re looking for the guy and trying to get your dad off, too.”

Della stood there, trying to wrap her brain around this. “But he lied to me the whole time. And then he took off when I found out he knew our uncle.”

“I can’t defend his actions,” Natasha said. “But I know he cares a lot about you. And Liam said he was trying to make it right.”

“The only way to make it right is to turn Feng over to the FRU. Let them decide if he’s telling the truth.” Della took in a deep breath. “Where is Chase?” She held her breath, waiting. Hoping.

“No one knows.” Then after a second, she said, “Oh, Burnett is trying to find a way for me to still be alive. To say I was kidnapped and they just misidentified the body.”

Della became lost in the absurdity of it. She’d been thinking everyone would have been better off if she’d faked her death, and here her cousin was trying to undo hers. Which one was right?

“If anyone can do it, Burnett can,” Della said

The line got quiet. Then Natasha spoke up. “I know you still have your family, and maybe I’ll get mine back, but … right now, you are the only family I have. I would really like to see you and just talk. Please.”

“I promise, I’ll stop by soon.”

* * *

Chase parked in front of the Shadow Falls entrance. Burnett had probably already heard his car and picked up on his scent. Was he gearing up to give Chase shit, right this moment?

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